Recent content by Nimurian

  1. N

    How to read FUJITSU battery manufacture date?

    Hi Behemot, I find that somewhat strange. The place I bought mine from there was more or less a pound (1£) difference between a pack of four Fujitsu Black and another of Eneloop Pro. So, to me at least, their price is already quite similar. If they were both at the same price I would think...
  2. N

    How to read FUJITSU battery manufacture date?

    Hi Chris, I had no idea that was how it worked. I'm just glad to finally have these batteries! I am based in Portugal (in a small city called Tomar) and this is actually my third time trying to get these batteries!... First couple of times I bought Eneloops - but they never arrived. Second...
  3. N

    How to read FUJITSU battery manufacture date?

    Hi Chris! Thanks very much for your reply ;) I was so careful with the batteries that it didn't even occur to me to open up the package and see if they had the date written on them! :p I guess that's simply because last time I bought rechargeables (some 6 years ago) there were no date stamp on...
  4. N

    How to read FUJITSU battery manufacture date?

    Hello everyone, newbie here ;) I have been trying to figure out my recently purchased batteries manufacture date but. thus far, I have been unsuccessful. They have the following MPN (manufacture production number, if memory serves): HR-4UTHCEU(4B) If anyone knows how to solve this conundrum...