Recent content by Rob187

  1. Rob187

    Calling all SYDNEY flashaholics!!

    Motherfletcher I have been to 3 meets with fellow Sydney CPFers, two of which I organised. James, I think you might be surprised to find that there are at least 122 CPF members based in Australia and at least 28 in Sydney. It is harder than you might think to get people together. Can I...
  2. Rob187

    POLL: How many lights do you own?

    I'm in the 101 + range. I stopped counting exactly how many I have when I went past 100. Kinda crazy actually.
  3. Rob187

    Fun @ work...

    Nice work there. I like the setup and the spreadsheet. I'm curious though - how does an EDC Ultimate 60 put out anything like 159 lumens as your spreadsheet suggests? They are calibrated to 60 lumens...
  4. Rob187

    best throw flashlight question

    You won't go wrong with the DBS. It's very well regarded around here.
  5. Rob187

    Olight Titaninum Infinitum Limited Edition Registry

    No. 65 is now officially 'lost in the post'. Because of the problems I was having with it out if the box, after consulting with MattK, I sent it back to Olight in China on 7 January 2009. After 39 days, it has not been received by Olight. I am pretty annoyed by this. Picture this: I buy a...
  6. Rob187

    New website and online shop.

    The online shop is not up and running yet? Or am I missing something?
  7. Rob187


    I feel your pain. Hope it turns up for you. I am still a little bit cross with my wife for losing a Photonlight II over 5 years ago. Silly but there you go.
  8. Rob187

    What for you is the top non-negotiable when choosing an EDC light

    None of the above: Reliability is the most important EDC charateristic.
  9. Rob187

    New Ra Lights products

    Is this light yet to be released?
  10. Rob187

    Wimpy Maglites

    Maglites 'wimpyness' makes modded mags even better to the uninitiated who expect the standard output only to be astonished by the brightness coming out of a hotwire or modded multiple LED unit.
  11. Rob187

    Novatac 85P & 120P Usage Flowchart v0.2

    What a useful chart. Great job and thanks.