Recent content by ron.ck722

  1. R

    Do you like PWM (pulse width modulation) controlled lights?

    I'm an Analog (linear) EE audio-and-videophile who was driven nuts by color wheel artifacts and outdoor sports grass dither the first day of my Generation 1 DLP. Returned it for a Plasma, which I loved. 8 years later it developed a flicker I couldn't fix. My new passive 3D LED LCD HD is...
  2. R

    How to tell if your flashlight uses PWM or not

    ------------------------ A very good point Like older switching power supplies, older PWM LED Drivers switched at low frequencies, some even in the audio range. Low Frequency PWMs can show the shower raindrop or other visual artifacts when moved in front of another pulsating or strobed light...
  3. R

    Buck-Boost Drivers

    Dear Colza et Al, I'd bought three NANJG-28 Buck-boost drivers to do some comparative regulator testing. A quick finger test confirmed what I'd heard about Q1 overheating. Once I located JB Weld Epoxy’s Thermal Conductivity [0.59 W/(m)(K)], I bonded a 1/8 in. wide, ½ in. long copper tab to...