Recent content by ThePerishers

  1. T

    Pictures of food, to demonstrate CRI

    lol, I gotta say I'm not used to see flashlight testing through pictures of food. But on that point, it's interesting how just a simple change in flashlight can result in the food looking appetizing or well, pretty disgusting... haha.
  2. T

    Looking for a good RGB

    My significant other has the MH27 and he likes it a lot. It's not very similar to the EagleTac D25LC2 though. (I don't have personal experience with the Quark RGB, so I can't comment on that.)
  3. T

    Fenix HP30R

    Thanks for your review. I was just checking out this headlight a couple days ago and couldn't find any reviews on it, other than two sites mentioning it briefly.
  4. T

    Gearbest's Giveaway for Independence Day - Join now, 4 nice prizes !!

    Re: Gearbest's 4th of July Giveaway - just post here to join ( 3 lights at stake) I will be celebrating this year's Independence Day with friends on a camping trip - surrounded by some awesome flashlights and lanterns, of course! The camping trip is something we've been doing every year for 8...
  5. T

    Time for the June Monthly GiveAway!

    I'm along-time lurker and learner, first time poster who was brought here because I'd really like this flashlight. Thanks for the giveaway!