Recent content by TornroT

  1. TornroT

    Tips for effective flashlight use?

    For non-flashaholics and noobs: Stick to AA batteries. Get a truckload of rechargeable Sanyo Eneloops and a Maha MH-C9000 charger. (Use Lithium primaries in seldom used flashlights.)
  2. TornroT

    Tips for effective flashlight use?

    Get a lot of inexpensive 1xAA twistys. Fill 'em up with Lithiums. Put them everywhere. I have iTP A2's all around the place, for all my family; beside every bed, on every keychain, at every entrance, in every vehicle... We get a lot of electricity outages and live in some seriously dark woods...
  3. TornroT

    **NEW** Fenix E40 (4AA, XP-E R4, 17500cd)

    Yup. Got lot's of them luvvely small floodies: iTP A1 + A2, 47 Mini AA + Mini A CRI + Mini ML CRI, Xenos, couple of headlights... Working my way up to the big lights, taking it slow. Maybe one day there'll be a Sunway M40A or a Fenix TK41. Trying to keep it sane, though. Itching to go 18650 but...
  4. TornroT

    **NEW** Fenix E40 (4AA, XP-E R4, 17500cd)

    Darn. Couldn't resist. Just ordered one. Your fault, guys! No semi serious thrower in the collection as yet. Serious throwers cost too much / are too big / use exotic batteries. The Fenix E21 (natural white) is wonderful in the woods. Thinking the E40 could be suitable in more open spaces...
  5. TornroT

    No.1 smart/programmable AA/AAA charger? (ideally more formats)

    VidPro, you deserve a medal! Thank you very much indeed for summing up many important points about rechargeables. Everyone should do your posts as homework. I've been gleening these insights for a LONG time, from a TON of different sources - and you just coughed them up in a single thread...
  6. TornroT

    carrot's guide to high-end lights

    Thank you, jellydonut and Belstaff1464! Seems I had the term "tactical" bang to rights, then. Another tactically important feature seems to be the ability to crack open sku... erm, coconuts.
  7. TornroT

    carrot's guide to high-end lights

    Yes, understanding multi mode vs multi stage (variable/continous/stepped output?) is a hurdle in the beginning. My first encounter with a modern flashlight, was a friend's Fenix LD10 he let me fondle :naughty: and I found it quite perplexing. (Total noob here, remember.) I think I could easily...
  8. TornroT

    carrot's guide to high-end lights

    Thank you for your guide, Carrot. Wish I'd found it earlier... Been lurking on CPF till my eyes dried up of reading (mostly Selfbuilt's) reviews, trying to decide what I and the family need. So, as being your target audience, I thought I might try to contribute. This is my first post, so...