Reylight Pineapple (Updated) Flashlight Review


Newly Enlightened
Aug 6, 2016
[h=3]Banggood asked if there was anything I'd like to review. I have been interested to see what Rey has done with the newer Pineapples, and so they sent the Pineapple Update. I reviewed the original Pineapple. I liked the original Pineapple! Let's see how this one's improved!

This content originally appeared at Please visit there for the best experience! I humbly submit this for inclusion in the review forum!

Official Specs and Features
[/h]Here's a link to the official product page. That's an affiliate link! Click it so banggood knows how much traffic these reviews get!! Even if you don't buy, clicking is good!
[h=3]Versions[/h]There's only one version of this light. Brass body, and available with Nichia 219c. There are some older versions, as I mentioned. At the very least, the original, and possibly one between that one and this one.
[h=3]Price and Coupon[/h]The current price is $49.93, and that is a "sale" price of 17% off. Buy it here at Banggood!

[h=3]Short Review[/h]This is a nice little light. It's very similar to the original, but the clip is much better. I'd love if it was still 219b, but I understand that emitter is much less available now. My biggest complaint is that the light is coated brass.
[h=3]Long Review[/h][h=4]What's Included[/h]

  • ReyLight New Pineapple
  • Spare o-rings (2)
The box serves as the manual.
[h=4]Package and Manual[/h]

The box has a slip cover with the specs and importantly, the operation guide.

The light ships sealed in a little vacuum package. That's a nice touch, but since the light is coated, I'm not sure how important that is.

There isn't a manual included, because the UI is on the back of the box. The box also includes the cell types supported, etc.
[h=4]Build Quality and Disassembly[/h]
Even though coated brass isn't my favorite thing, I have to say, it looks absolutely fantastic. Almost gold colored, even! This makes it quite unusual.

The build quality is quite good. That's overall, including the aforementioned externals.

The head has a brass button, and the tail has a long stiff spring.

The threads are very smooth. They're triangle cut, and lightly lubed. Since they're brass too (of course), its not really possible to mechanically lock out the light without entirely removing the head.

The head has some nice fins for cooling. Heat isn't really an issue except on High with a 14500, and even then, these minimal fins handle it fine.

The pocket clip is much improved from the previous model. It's a steel clip, and amounts to "permanent" installation. That's because the tailcap doesn't come off (at least, easily). This is better than the original version, since the clip on the original could scratch the body when the tailcap was removed.

The bezel has not-really-pointed crenelations, which allow light to sneak out. I prefer this, since it's harder to put the light down in an "on" state, and forget it.

[h=4]Size and Comps[/h]Official size:
Weight: 3.2 oz (91 g)
Size: 3.6 x 0.7 in (9.2 x 1.8 cm)

As many (most?) 14500 lights are, this one's fairly long.

Here's another 14500 light. This is the Adventure Sport Flashlight Brass EDC light – it's a triple. It's even longer than the Pineapple.

The New Pineapple is longer than the original, too. I believe this change was made to allow support for longer cells (such as protected/button top cells.)

The parts from both models are interchangeable (and work in any configuration.)


Retention and Carry
[/h]The only means for carrying the New Pineapple is the pocket clip. It's a steel collar clip, and is more or less permanently attached, since the tailcap doesn't come off.

This clip is an absolutely massive improvement over the original. But a large part of that is a result of the clip never spinning around the body because the tailcap doesn't come off. It's a trade off, I suppose…

Even aside from that, this clip is better. The mouth is bigger, and so it's easier to use. The clip also has holes, so if you had a lanyard, the clip would be a good place (and also the only place) to attach it. Since it's a collar clip, it'd be very secure, too.
[h=4]Power and Runtime[/h]The Pineapple is a versatile device. It can be powered from any AA sized cylindrical cell. I tested with both 14500 (flat and button) and AA NiMH cells. The cell goes with the positive end toward the head, as most do.

Max output should be 470 lumens, and I confirmed that with my runtime using a 14500. The output drops off very quickly, though, and at 30s it's heavily on it's way down to the next step – around 240 lumens. With both li-ion tests, the light did shut off (ie, LVP).

The second highest mode with a Li-ion is around 115 lumens, and trails off to about 70 by the end.

Runtimes with the NiMH cell are much different, of course. Interestingly output is much more regulated (perfectly flat, after the stepdown).

Medium with a NiMH cell was very flat, and never actually shut off – I stopped this test due to other circumstances… but at ~40 lumens and a projected 5h runtime, this is within spec easily.

When output starts with a 1.5V cell, the light does not exhibit LVP.
[h=4]PWM[/h]For reference, here's a baseline shot, with all the room lights off and almost nothing hitting the sensor.
Vapcell Flat top 14500:


I wish I had a better way to quantify PWM. While it's clearly present, it doesn't bother me in the least on this light. In fact using my normal tests to see PWM, I can't even see it on low. So it's no issue whatsoever.
[h=4]User Interface and Operation[/h]
There's a single switch on the New Pineapple. It's a reverse clicky, and has a metal switch cover. The switch cover is routed for a tritium vial, too!

Here's a UI table! The UI is unchanged from the first model.
OnHalf PressCycle modes (MoonLMH)
* If the light is turned back on soon after turning off (within a couple of seconds), the previous mode will be remembered. If more than 2 seconds, light will turn on into Moonlight.
[h=4]Modes and Currents[/h]
ModeMode Claimed Output (lm)Claimed RuntimeMeasured LumensTailcap Amps
High 1450047058m4521.73 (@4.2V)
Mid 14500902.5h1140.29 (@4.2V)
Low 145008.531h120.02 (@4.2V)
Moonlight 145000.220d0~ (@4.2V)
High AA1301.1h1872.38 (@1.5V)
Mid AA305h370.22 (@1.5V)
Low AA3.270h10.02 (@1.5V)
Moonlight AA0.230d0~ (@1.5V)
[h=4]LED and Beam[/h]The emitter used here is a Nichia 219c, in 4000K. It's a reflector light, and the reflector is orange peel. The spot is somewhat broad and there's little spill.

These beamshots are always with the following settings: f8, ISO100, 0.3s shutter, and manual 5000K exposure.
Vapcell Flat top 14500:


[h=4]Tint vs BLF-348 (Killzone 219b version)[/h]Vapcell Flat top 14500:


I compare everything to the Killzone 219b BLF-348, because it's inexpensive and has the best tint!
[h=4]The Big Table[/h]Vapcell Flat top 14500:
ReyLight Pineapple
Emitter:Nichia 219c
RuntimeChargetime N/A
Power off Charge Port with no Cell?
Claimed Lumens (lm)470
Measured Lumens (at 30s)479 (101.9% of claim)*
Claimed Throw (m)95
Throw (Calculated) (m)106.4 (112% of claim)
Candela (Calculated) in cd (at 30s)137lux @ 4.545m = 2830cd
All my ReyLight reviews!
ReyLight Pineapple
Emitter:Nichia 219c
RuntimeChargetime N/A
Power off Charge Port with no Cell?
Claimed Lumens (lm)130
Measured Lumens (at 30s)187 (143.8% of claim)*
Claimed Throw (m)95
Throw (Calculated) (m)58.5 (61.6% of claim)
Candela (Calculated) in cd (at 30s)45lux @ 4.363m = 857cd
All my ReyLight reviews!
* Standard measurement disclaimer: I am an amateur flashlight reviewer. I don't have $10,000 or even $1,000 worth of testing equipment. I test output and such in PVC tubes!! Please consider claims within 10% of what I measure to be perfectly reasonable (accurate, even).
[h=3]Conclusion[/h][h=4]What I like[/h]
  • Brass light!
  • AA/14500 use is a nice change from the common 18350/18650 lights on the market
  • Moonlight is very low indeed
  • Unusual shiny brass body looks very nice
  • Vastly improved pocket clip
[h=4]What I don't like[/h]
  • Brass is coated, so won't easily patina
  • Button is a bit squeaky
  • No option to ship with tritium

  • This light was provided by BangGood for review. I was not paid to write this review.
  • This content originally appeared at Please visit there for the best experience!
  • Whether or not I have a coupon for this light, I do have a bunch of coupons!! Have a look at my spreadsheet for those coupons. It's possible to subscribe and get notifications when the sheet is edited!!