Robot Odyssey - Origin of battery obsessions?



This message is particularly for the people over in the LED forum, but is applicable to anyone, especially anyone who is concerned about battery use.

Have you ever heard of the game "Robot Odyssey"? It was published in 1984 by The Learning Company. The point of it was to make your robots go through mazes and solve puzzles by wiring them with visual representations of logic gates. Compared to anything else available for a color computer or AppleII, this game rocked!

(Actually, it is pretty good even by some of today's standards. It's a thought games, so technology advances haven't really made it obsolete. I still have an emulator that I use to play it now and then.)

Anyhow, one of the difficulties in it is that you always have to watch out for your robots' battery levels. I can remember playing this game for hours, wiring circuits and obsessively checking to make sure that the switches on the robots were turned off so I wasn't wasting energy.

I suspect that this game had a hand in my current paranoia about battery use.

"What! You're not going to use BATTERIES for that are you? Here, just hold on a sec, I'll wire an adapter socket in there..."

So, do you feel that your strange anxiety about using batteries stems from playing Robot Odyssey as a child/teen/etc.?

If anyone is interested, here's the link to a site about the game. You can download it if you want.

Robot Odyssey

Well, do I get the award for making the most obscure first post to the CandlePowerForums?