Garrity S900G Help


Moderator, *Mammoth Killer*
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
My friend and fellow member Owen gave me a free spotlight to use on duty and I can find nothing on a search here. It is the rechargeable Garrity S900G found in this link

I know nothing of spotlight mods nor if it would even be worth the effort to do so on this model however thought I would ask anyway. The bulb is kind of yellow on the output but actually very bright. It is labeled as a Quartz Halogen Bulb 12 Volts 100 watts H3 with power from a lead acid battery at 12V- 2.8AH

Ok first is there a better replacement lamp for this light and any other ideas I may try to improve performance or even runtime. The instructions claim 25 minutes of use from a charge and as a duty light spotlight this would most likely be ok for keeping in my patrol car as I would most likely use it for spotting addresses

Just thought it was very nice of Owen to give me a free spotlight and maybe this will get me more interested in this section of the forum as I am not nearly as up on this information as I am the other areas....thanks for any help on this.