Has Anyone Received a Lummi Order Recently? 18 Months and Waiting...


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2009
West Midlands, UK
I've been waiting for my torch for over 18 months. The last few messages from me to Lummi remain unanswered.
I wonder if anyone has actually received an order from the company recently. I can only find negative posts.
It seems that Lummi has a new product now. I saw it on FaceBook. That makes me angry. It's as though my money is funding the venture. The page in question is here.
Last edited:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 18, 2006
[-Mad in Germany-]
Sorry to hear that, but unfortunatelly it´s not a new storry. Personally I´ve had nothing but good experiences with rob (and I got a lot of lights from him) but that was between 2006-2008, before the problems started. I don´t think there´s anything to be done unless people organize themselfs and got to the police / get a lawyer like the group, that got ripped off by Doug Speck did. Maybe everyone who´s waiting for month/years for their lights should post a comment on his Facebook page. Good luck!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 18, 2006
I received my last package from Rob in 2006, in 07 I ordered some accessories that never arrived. Then Rob promised to send them more than once over the course of the next year. I have never received the accessories and have given up on Lummi completely.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 9, 2007
Seattle, WA
Absolutely pathetic. Nothing has changed and nothing ever will. Considering all the people that Rob has done this to, it pisses me off that he's still allowed to have a sub forum.

I eventually had to Jeer him and demand a refund. I'd had enough after he lied to me 14ish times and sent my exact lights to people who paid months after me.

Again, and I hope you are listening Rob, PATHETIC!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 27, 2009
West Midlands, UK
I carried on trawling the Web after posting here. I can find very little in the way of recent praise for Lummi. I wish I'd seen what I have today before ordering in 2009.
I'm quite surprised to find that the major torch selling sites still have Lummi forums. I wonder too why PayPal still take money on the company's behalf.
I'm going to have a word with Trading Standards now. I'm angry now and don't see why a company should continue trading with my money.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2011
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

Day order was placed: 27th of October of 2010
Currency: GBP
1 x Wee NS 45 GBP
Postage and packing: I think that was included in the price.
Total amount for the order: 45 GBP
Received: nothing.
Situation: I have twice asked him via email and received no response.

I got an email from Rob :D


Today your order from Lummi has dispatched to you.
Apologies for the long wait.
Thank you very much for your custom.

Kind Regards
Rob @ www.Lummi.co.uk


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2009
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

Now he is into the XM-L versions, he will give us the old XP-E ones. But it's good, as far as he is not lying. Will he give you a tracking number? I hope so!


Apr 12, 2011
Rhode Island
I have had two orders completed from Rob in the past few months. I forgot how long the first order took (definitely longer than my most recent one) but I ordered from him on the 7th of June and my package arrived today.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 12, 2011
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

Received an email on the 28th June from Rob asking for confirmation of address and another after confirmation saying that my Raw Al & Wee SS have been shipped with the Wee Ti to follow asap, hopefully this means good news for other customers as well, certainly made my day.

Obijuan Kenobe

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 19, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Earth
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

You ordered in April 2010, and getting an email from him two days ago made you happy?

Dang, you guys forgive and forget easy. I love lights, but man...this whole thread is scary. I would have demanded only money back a long time ago. If he delivers now, why would you settle for anything but what he is currently offering (XML)???

You all do know that he used your payments to upgrade his business and take care of himself. Now, all this doesn't matter to you as long as you get the light he sold you last year??? Crazy.

You all have been played like a cheap piano.



Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2009
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

i ordered on february 18, 2011.

1 Wee NS Locators locator colour Choice: Ice Blue £12.00 GBP
1 10180 Cell Wee NS/Ti £5.00 GBP
1 Wee NS lumens Choice: 50 £40.00 GBP
1 Nano Charger £7.00 GBP
Amount £64.00 GBP ($114.96 usd)

on 4-29-11 i emailed rob regarding the order, and rec'd this:

Hi Mark,

Again apologies for the delays, with all the recent holidays & it is still a Holiday Monday here in the UK I have been unable to collect parts from the machine shop.
All is getting back to business this week & I will then be able to get your order shipped.
If you could just allow some more time please then your order will be on its way.
Kind Regards
Rob @ www.Lummi.co.uk
Check out the new iStiki.
On the Lummi homepage.

two months later, i have no light, and have not heard of a status update. i learned of this thread on the usn.


Oct 31, 2006
Borg cube #51
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

orb said:
... apologies for the delays, with all the recent holidays & it is still a Holiday Monday here in the UK I have been unable to collect parts from the machine shop

BS :mad:


Newly Enlightened
Aug 31, 2009
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

Do they have had more than one year of holidays over there in UK? :eek:


Newly Enlightened
Jun 23, 2011
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

Day order was placed: 27th of October of 2010
Currency: GBP
1 x Wee NS 45 GBP
Postage and packing: I think that was included in the price.
Total amount for the order: 45 GBP
Received: nothing.
Situation: I have twice asked him via email and received no response.

Today i received my Lummi Wee from Rob.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2009
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

i rec'd an email this morning:

Hello Mark,

I am really trying to settle all back orders.
This situation is a difficult problem to resolve with the down turn in business.
It is slow & I am building specials to encourage new sales which help fund the supply of parts required for back orders as well.
Hopefully you will understand I am determined to get what you have paid me for delivered to you & just continue to allow me the time required.
Sincere apologies for the long wait & any trouble.
Kind Regards
Rob @ www.Lummi.co.uk
Check out the new iStiki.
On the Lummi homepage.

i guess i find it a bit reassuring he is at least answered my message. i do find it odd, however, that he is making lights to generate funds to buy parts for outstanding orders. if he has the money to buy the parts to make those lights....

well, i'm sure you get my point.


Aug 22, 2010
Switzerland / CONUS address
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

I'm waiting for a light from Rob as well.
And believe me I' not happy with the situation either.
But still, considering CPF rule #12 Reposting privat communications, I think it's not allowed to post privat emails here :confused:

If I'm wrong please let me know :shrug:


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2009
Re: List of Lummi orders still unfulfilled

I'm waiting for a light from Rob as well.
And believe me I' not happy with the situation either.
But still, considering CPF rule #12 Reposting privat communications, I think it's not allowed to post privat emails here :confused:

If I'm wrong please let me know :shrug:

under most circumstances, i would not post a pm or email. however, in this situation it certainly speaks as to the character and intent of who we are dealing with.

it would seem he is well aware of all the negative postings here and on other forums, but has yet to offer a reasonable solution. based only on the information in this thread, he is in possession of almost $3000.00 usd for products not delivered, or perhaps not even started. yet he is able to buy parts to make products and sell via facebook or other avenues. in and of itself, this is not only problematic, but unethical and immoral.

we also must take him on his word he intends to fulfill all the outstanding orders. additionally, unsuspecting consumers are still able to pay via his website. there is nothing to indicate delivery times may be very extended. the right thing to do would be to close his website to new orders.

my only real frame of reference here is the custom knife world. makers like scott cook and rick hinderer, who are in great demand, have closed all custom orders. if one is lucky enough to have been on the list, the wait could be as long as two years. payment would not be made until the knife is finished.

brad duncan, a well respected knifemaker for many years, fell under similar circumstances. he ended up working in the red, and was taking payment before knives were finished. ultimately, he was unable to fulfill orders, and said he was quitting the business. yet new knives were showing up on ebay and internet dealers. as far as i know, most of those who had placed custom orders and paid never received their knives. his reputation is now well earned, and his knives are difficult to sell on the forums, and he, his wife, and his "business partner" are no longer welcome.

it now appears we find ourselves in a nearly identical situation. much like the world of custom knives, the world of custom flashlights is a tight knit subculture, and it is imperative collectors and consumers allow information to flow freely in order to prevent those of questionable character from becoming a fixture in the communities.

i want to believe mr. cheetham is trying to right the ship. but from having seen the results of similar business models, he must accept he is only further tarnishing his already shaky reputation.

unfortunately, i did not learn of the problems with lummi until very recently, almost five months after i had paid for a light. it would be my hope that others may learn from my interactions with the company and will choose to buy from someone else.