Led Monitor damaged my eyes


Newly Enlightened
Apr 25, 2012
I was using pc for over 10 years never had any problems before but now after buying an LED monitor it started to damage my eyes i have notice after buying samsung px2370 using it for like 2 months now i have my eyes damaged and never had tham before i have buyed LED monitor becouse i heard that it has better picture quality and its better for eyes but now after using LED monitor i have notice that its damaging my eyes please tell me how is this possible or im allergic to LED back light i have been no more using pc more than 6-7 hours per day and it damaged my eyes !


Oct 1, 2004
Are you sure your eyes are damaged or just strained? Most likely you went from a lower resolution tube monitor to a higher resolution LCD display (with LED backlighting). Smaller crisper fonts can cause your eyes to strain and if you still have a tube type tv set going from watching an LCD to tube type display can further stress your eyes.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
Hey Assassin, welcome to CPF. Led's and lcd's should actually cause less strain on your eyes...Also, there's your problem in your post...you use the computer for 7 HOURS A DAY. That usually leads you to strain your eyes when looking elsewhere because you're situated around 1-2 feet away from the screen. Since that's all you stare at for 7 hours, your eyes have to work a little harder to focus on further things. (recommended usage is 1-2 hours at a time with a 30-60 minute break in between sessions. CRT's (box monitors) actually are more harmful and cause more eye strain because they do not have a flat viewing surface. Not only that, but the viewing angle of CRT's are weird. Your eye level should be near the top of the screen, with you looking slightly angled down. With LCD's, your eyes should be at 2/3 to 3/4 the height of the screen for optimal viewing. Also, maybe the strain from your previous extended usage of CRT monitors is finally catching up to you.

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2012
define damage. it this damage determined by eye exam and testing ?

regular old eyestrain can manifest itself by double-vision when going out into sunlight

avoid blue color schemes and backgrounds on monitors, blue can cause the most eyestrain


Aug 1, 2007
New Zealand
Explain "damage".
Swapping from a small CRT to a huge LED might mean you are getting more heat off the screen drying your eyes out.


Mar 18, 2011
Explain "damage".
Swapping from a small CRT to a huge LED might mean you are getting more heat off the screen drying your eyes out.

Ahhh, that'll be the problem, he's sitting waaaay too close.

But seriously, I can't see how you can 'damage' your eyes physically by looking at a screen.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
i bought 3 bottles of vodka last night, drank them all, and in the morning i had a headache and threw up several times, that vodka must not be fresh,


Oct 1, 2004
Ahhh, that'll be the problem, he's sitting waaaay too close.

But seriously, I can't see how you can 'damage' your eyes physically by looking at a screen.
Before the 90s they were not concerned about monitor radiation and some people who sat in front of monitors all day did get some damage to their eyes etc. I don't think it was widespread but it was enough of an issue that during the 90s they started to pass regulations on the radiation monitors (CRT) put out and for the most part monitors (CRT) made in the mid to late 90s and beyond were pretty much safe for the eyes etc. LCD (includes LED) monitors do not radiate anything but light from them. The LCD monitors use fluorescent tubes (CCFL) to shine light through the LCD display while LED monitors use white LEDs instead of the fluorescent tubes. None of those monitors are harmful to the eyes any more than it is harmful to the eyes to sit in a room with fluorescent or LED lighting.
I think a lot of the time people go from a lower resolution CRT (tube) monitor to a high resolution LCD/LED monitor and don't realize that eveything just shrunk (got smaller) because the default resolution and actual physical size of fonts and pictures are smaller. When you get a new monitor you need to adjust the screen resolution to your liking and sometimes adjust the font defaults to match. As for "heat" from an LED vs a CRT... the CRT puts out a LOT more heat than any LCD monitor does.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 25, 2012
Make sure the monitor is set to its native resolution. If it's set to anything else, it'll look like crap and possibly give you eyestrain.

What does native resolution mean and how do you set it?


Feb 29, 2004
What does native resolution mean and how do you set it?

"Native resolution" is the maximum resolution of the panel. Running it at less will be a bit hazy since the panel must try to display at a fraction of its resolution and will use some sort of interpolation method to reduce the visual impact. It's an imperfect technique since the resolution being supplied by the computer is almost never a neat whole-number divisor, which would allow for each desktop pixel from the computer to occupy a whole number of physical pixels on the display; instead each desktop pixel sits within the boundary of multiple physical pixels.

This is usually accomplished by some tool in the operating system. Most Windows machines can be adjusted by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting "properties" ("screen resolution" in windows 7, perhaps also in Vista). Not sure about OS X nor the various *NIX'es.
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Feb 29, 2004
Also, there's your problem in your post...you use the computer for 7 HOURS A DAY.

That's pretty much mandatory in many desk jobs these days...

I'm looking at LCD monitors 8 hours a day at work then sitting in front of one at home as well. Can't say the decline in my eyesight over the years is due to this factor exclusively - aging in general is also playing a part.

I miss the beautiful CRT I had at my last job (some 8 years ago now) - was the easiest on the eyes that I've ever had. Flipside was that I was in and out of the production floor regularly every day, so I didn't just stare at that monitor for 8+ hours a day.

At least at my present work I have a good monitor mount that keeps the LCD's at eye level. I try not to just sit there and stare at them constantly, but it can't always be helped.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 25, 2012
Im not close to the monitor im far from it 2 meters almost 1.81 im far from my 23 inch monitor and before i had samsung p2470HD wich now i switched back i dont want lose my eyes on the LED monitor maybe there was a problem or a glich with the monitor or a settings the monitor was set to full 1080p resolution 1920x1080 as before i had the same monitor only now i have LED back-light the problem with my eyes is when i look outside when i move with my eyes i see like there is something inside my eyes some pieces that looks like broke from my eye and its inside when looking at white color completly i can see that beast when i look my eye in a mirror i can see red vessels that are connected to my pupil wich i didnt had before i seen normal with no any problems before the LED !! i will tell you my monitor settings of samsung px2370 the magic color was set to intelligent magic lux was set to medium and the image response time was set to fastest !!!

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2012
Im not close to the monitor im far from it 2 meters almost 1.81 im far from my 23 inch monitor and before i had samsung p2470HD wich now i switched back i dont want lose my eyes on the LED monitor maybe there was a problem or a glich with the monitor or a settings the monitor was set to full 1080p resolution 1920x1080 as before i had the same monitor only now i have LED back-light the problem with my eyes is when i look outside when i move with my eyes i see like there is something inside my eyes some pieces that looks like broke from my eye and its inside when looking at white color completly i can see that beast when i look my eye in a mirror i can see red vessels that are connected to my pupil wich i didnt had before i seen normal with no any problems before the LED !! i will tell you my monitor settings of samsung px2370 the magic color was set to intelligent magic lux was set to medium and the image response time was set to fastest !!!

ummm, no damage from screens will do that. You must seek an Opthamologist who will dilate your pupil and look
at your retina. What you describe -may- be severe internal damage which can be completely fixable but you
must act immediately. Loose retina or damaged blood vessels can be fixed with lasers. Go now and fork over
the loot and have your eyes checked pronto. You also describe surface irritation which again, has some other cause.

That or it just a common floater [or three or a dozen] and it is 100% normal. everyone has some floaters.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 25, 2008
Sydney, Australia
ummm, no damage from screens will do that. You must seek an Opthamologist who will dilate your pupil and look
at your retina. What you describe -may- be severe internal damage which can be completely fixable but you
must act immediately. Loose retina or damaged blood vessels can be fixed with lasers. Go now and fork over
the loot and have your eyes checked pronto. You also describe surface irritation which again, has some other cause.

That or it just a common floater [or three or a dozen] and it is 100% normal. everyone has some floaters.

^This. See an opthamologist now. If it is retinal detachment the longer you leave it the worse your chances of recovery are.

And I also highly doubt this was caused by the LED screen. Sounds to me like this was just bad timing.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 25, 2012
^This. See an ophthalmologist now. If it is retinal detachment the longer you leave it the worse your chances of recovery are.

And I also highly doubt this was caused by the LED screen. Sounds to me like this was just bad timing.
i was in ophthalmologist he sayed everything is ok it just that i never had floaters im 20 years old and this has started when i started using led screen just after few weeks it started to appear inside my eye this really enjoys me i cant concentrate on anything when i see this !! an ophthalmologist gave me blink eye drops to refresh my eye i been using it over 1 month it just keep going worse if there is anyway i can clean it with something in Croatia and how much would it cost? i just dont understand how LED can do this to me is there any reason possible for the LED monitor to create this floaters in my eyes it cant be something else i would like to take back my LED monitor but i dont know will i lose my eyes or this keep going worse (i payed for that monitor 450$ here in croatia now i cant get refund or it will just keep staying in a garage with no use im scared to use that monitor again).
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2011
On the east coast of the yoosah. In the place wher
i was in ophthalmologist he sayed everything is ok it just that i never had floaters im 20 years old and this has started when i started using led screen just after few weeks it started to appear inside my eye this really enjoys me i cant concentrate on anything when i see this !! an ophthalmologist gave me blink eye drops to refresh my eye i been using it over 1 month it just keep going worse if there is anyway i can clean it with something in Croatia and how much would it cost? i just dont understand how LED can do this to me is there any reason possible for the LED monitor to create this floaters in my eyes it cant be something else i would like to take back my LED monitor but i dont know will i lose my eyes or this keep going worse (i payed for that monitor 450$ here in croatia now i cant get refund or it will just keep staying in a garage with no use im scared to use that monitor again).

Have you been conducting any other kinds of activities? Maybe blunt force trauma to your head? I read somewhere that some boxers lose their sight to retinal detachment. Also, CRT's have flicker, maybe you just never noticed the floaties before? Or maybe perhaps you're a troll. . . Trolls tend to be visually challenged. . . Anyways, on a more serious note, don't use the computer so long and you'll be okay! Either that or take a break and look at some greenery and eat carrots :)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
there can be few reasons your eyesight worsens, from blunt force trama, nerve damage, to high blood pressure. there is such setting as refresh rate in monitors, may be it has something to do with your eyes? try changing that if you can, not sure if it'll help but who knows.


Newly Enlightened
Apr 25, 2012
so you are saying that LED cant do that i often do a break after 3-4 hours of using pc a 3 hours breake than again playing for 3-4 hours i just noticed it when i started using LED monitor before that my eye was clear if its possible with the response time why do i have option normal fast and fastest ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 17, 2008
there any reason possible for the LED monitor to create this floaters in my eyes

Sudden floaters = possibility of glaucoma. The older you are the more likely the diagnosis, and one big way to reduce the problem is to get away from the monitor and get more excercise to get your blood pressure down.

Blaming this on an LED backlit monitor is pretty absurd. The chemicals leaching from the plastic case are more likely to cause health problems. If eye issues arose strictly from the intensity factor of a modern monitor then you'd likely catch fire and explode if you went out doors on a sunny day.

I'm seeing more and more 'LED's cause eye damage' threads in various forums, and they all link to psuedo science regarding blue light being having the equivelant energy levels of gamma rays and such. Compare to halides and fluorescent tubes LED's actually have a more evenly distributed blue spectrum and also lack the UV spikes of the other light sources.
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