My first light would be the CMG Infinity Ultra: About as bright as the Arc AAA, but, much better burn time, particularly with Lithium AA. I have a regular infinity now, use it all the time. However the doubled brightness would be
truly useful to me. The Ultra is the next acquisiton on my list (several of them).
For general duty headlamp, I would get either a PT Matrix (3 LED, 2 AA) or Solo + Matrix LED module. Very useful, as I take the trash out after dark (also a great time to check out a new light outside
Arc LS or 2, If I could get rev1 or rev2, plus some mods from Silviron.
Mag-Lite D Cell, plus several Pro Series Bulbs from LEDCorp. Also some regular LED bulbs from them for extended run time, though not nearly as bright.
On my fixed income budget, I am concerned with maximizing battery usage along with not having to replace bulbs often. So, I would rather spend more for these attributes and high quality now, then save alot in the long run.