123 cell - LED Headlamp


Newly Enlightened
Mar 4, 2002
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good LED headlamp that runs on 123 cells?

These days, most of my better LED lights take 123's and it would be nice to only have to pack one size of battery.

Thanks ahead of time for your input.

glockboy said:
try Inova 24/7

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Glockboy, thanks, but I already have one, Thanks.

I'm looking for an actual headlamp designed for the 123 if there is such a thing.

If Petzel or PT would come out with one, I bet people would buy them.

Anyone else have any ideas?
Nuwai has Luxeon III and Luxeon I LED headlamps that run of two CR123A cells. Check the Headlamp forum. I have both and am pleased with them.

I have the Nuwai Lux I LED headlamp and I am delighted with it. Fully regulated, great beam, long battery life, 3 settings, when the battery drains it falls back to lower settings and still runs. It is really neat, and very lightweight.
After reading about exploding 123 cells, I'm not sure I'd want them strapped to my head.