16340 information please


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
It has been a long time since I purchased 16340 batteries and I am clueless as to who the better brands are today. A search here turned up a few older threads however not much current information. I need a few decent 16340 for various lights as my stash is several years old.

Amazon has hundreds of options however most have way over inflated capacity claims and seem to be just junk cells. So for those in the know can you give me some info on who makes quality 16340 sells today. I am looking for both protected and unprotected cells in a button top design. Thanks for any info ....
Been using Vapcell in 16340 and 18350 for several years. I'm happy with longevity and my own discharge spec tests after sustained use.
This cell rides in my EDC Fenix E16 for the past 14 months. I order from ILLUMN.
I'm using Keeppower 800mAh from Illumn. No scientific tests, they seem fine. I seem to keep losing my RCR123 lights, plus I have more 18650s that last a lot longer, so my need for RCR123 is reduced.

It was simple years ago when we just bought AW!
It has been a long time since I purchased 16340 batteries and I am clueless as to who the better brands are today. A search here turned up a few older threads however not much current information. I need a few decent 16340 for various lights as my stash is several years old.

Amazon has hundreds of options however most have way over inflated capacity claims and seem to be just junk cells. So for those in the know can you give me some info on who makes quality 16340 sells today. I am looking for both protected and unprotected cells in a button top design. Thanks for any info ....
I just happened to post this 5 min. ago, and you might be interested (although I don't know your output current requirement):

Thanks for the information and I believe I will simply purchase a few of each brand and see how they perform. The HDS cells linked above look interesting as well as keeppower and vapcell. Aznsx the data you posted is very nice to have and it is good to know some cells actually have the capacity advertised. I have always been a fan of Nitecore and will try their brand as well. Some of the off brands I saw on Amazon actually claim 2800Mah from a single 16340. Anyone with a little common sense knows that those numbers are pretty much impossible.

My needs for this size cell are mostly single cell applications in various flashlights. I do go through cells often on a dual 16340 weapon light (Olight Valkyrie) and for this I use the protected versions. I may also try some of the Olight branded cells as I have had good luck with several Olight products in the past.

Much of my current stuff is very old and was purchased from AW here long ago. I quickly figured out AW is no longer active and as such have to find other decent options. Again thanks for the input

This is what comes with my Olight Baton 4.
They as you can see are currently out of stock.
Hopefully an option in January next year.
May i ask if it is the size of a CR123 can you use a CR123 in the Baton 4? There seems to be zero information on this question? I have a few lights from other manufacturers that actually state the use of both 16340 and CR123's. No info on my Baton? Is it a given or a no?