17670 or 2 - R123's drop-in


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2007
Central Illinois, USA
I plan on a SF 6P soon and going with a led drop-in with rechargable batteries. Any recomendations for a 3.7 v drop-in with a 17670 cell or go with a 9v drop-in with two rc123's? AW cells but what drop-in to go with?:shakehead This is my 1st good lite other than putting in a led from WE in my AA maglite. I'm almost in overload with all the information on this forum! Started with maybe going with a Fenix but I changed my mind. I don't think I would like the multi-mode lites. I have been wanting a 6p for years reading pistol magazines. Thanks in advance for any help!!!!!!!!:twothumbs
A single cell like the 17650 is a much simpler and a bit safer rechargeable battery. Get two of them and you'll have a good system with long life. One 17650 will have about 40% more total power than 2 rcr123a batteries. If one of the two 123a gets underpowered- the other can overheat it. You have to always be careful the charge is the same on both...so-it's much safer to use the single cell 17650. THe light may be 10 to 15% brighter on the 2 123a's, but you can't usually see much difference. I have played back and forth with several lights that can use both, and the slight increase is not worth it- if you haven't bought anything yet. The 17650 li-ions hold their charge for a long time...so a spare battery will be ready to go for any camping or long night walks. I have a G2 with my own drop in...it's great with a 17650.
A drop in that will support 3.7-4.2 volts will give you a nice form factor. You can use a two cell body with a 17670, or 18650 (larger body), or you can run your drop in in a one cell body using an RCR123,

The advantage of a drop-in setup for 6-9 volts, which actually runs in regulation from 4+ volts to 9 volts, or so, is runtime when you use longer LiIon's such as two 17500's, or 17670's Two LiIon in series is ok, particularly when using protected LiIon's. Make sure you have a good LiIon charger. Not much benefit using two RCR123's, as Lighthouse one said.

A single cell like the 17650 is a much simpler and a bit safer rechargeable battery. Get two of them and you'll have a good system with long life. One 17650 will have about 40% more total power than 2 rcr123a batteries. If one of the two 123a gets underpowered- the other can overheat it. You have to always be careful the charge is the same on both...so-it's much safer to use the single cell 17650. THe light may be 10 to 15% brighter on the 2 123a's, but you can't usually see much difference. I have played back and forth with several lights that can use both, and the slight increase is not worth it- if you haven't bought anything yet. The 17650 li-ions hold their charge for a long time...so a spare battery will be ready to go for any camping or long night walks. I have a G2 with my own drop in...it's great with a 17650.

Agreed wholeheartedly.
:thinking:Am I messed up? 17670 or 17650 will work in the 6P. Both close. SF tubes are tight I read. Stick with the 17 diameter? I have read good things about AW's battery and chargers.
17670 is the way to go for batteries as for led drop in best is probably Gene Malkoff's then bugout gear and on down from there if you got the money spring for Gene's