What is the purpose of storing them in the refrigerator?
Slow down annual battery aging.
It can be kept in the fridge if you don't use it often.
In this case, store at a voltage between 3.6 and 3.8 V.
If you need the battery wait many hours before recharging (12/24 hours) to allow the chemistry to stabilize, then perform a preferably slow recharge.
In an emergency, if you need the battery immediately better use the light at very low levels to not stress the battery (avoid high and turbo levels)
If you decide to put batteries in the fridge make a good packaging, I use the boxes for batteries, I wrap them in plastic wrap for food and then in aluminum foil, then again in plastic wrap.
All this I then put in an airtight food container (I want to avoid condensation or humidity in my batteries whether they have a protection circuit or not)
I also labeled everything to understand the age of the batteries.
I recently took 2 Samsung 30 Q out of the fridge, they have been there for 1 or 2 years.
I waited 24 hours and then I charged them with 0.25 A up to 4 V, then with faster charge.
Everything went well, I'm using them in Armytek Viking and Wizard Pro.
I'm curious to know if others users also store batteries in the fridge and if so with what precautions.