1915 Franco LUX I mod PICS added (THANKS AW)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2003
SW Michigan
I hate tempting people, But I am on my backup computer with no way to get the pics off my camera, and my 2yr old 'hid' the ball from my trackball, so I am 'tabbin' it tonight. Well I got my flashlight in the mail today, for those of you who saw the earlier post, the lens in the front acts like a 2x lens for the shiny 'silver' reflector. I have been cleaning the metal parts with polish to get 80years of gunk off it. The reflector was the easiest to clean. I ended up cutting the back of the reflector off where the bulb screwed in to mount a 1W star close to the focal point. I decided to leave the stock 2x 'D' battery configuration. I used a boost board from a 1x"AA" dorcy, puts about 375-400mA to the star. I epoxied this on the back of the star and actually use the (+)positive of the boost board to connect to the battery. The throw is a little better then the stock bulb that was in it, but the color is WAY better. Aside from looking directally in the front, it looks stock. I also put some blue glow-poxy around the emitter.
I hope to get some pics and beamshots up soon. I think this might be a new fancy for me to mod OLD lights. Early 19th century design, early 20th centruy technology.
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

Was that you that built one a week or so ago. I couln't find the thread. Beamshot on it was a killer.

With 2D and Dorcy boosting a 1W I would think you'd get great runtime out of it. 8, 10 hrs.?

Yes, I really like those antique lights modded with solid state emmiters. I really think the Franco 1915 is seriosly cool with that big optic.

Would you consider a commission for a piece of this type art? A 3W would be nice. A 3W RB would be odd yet striking. If so, I'll start looking around on Ebay.

At any rate they sure are extraordinary and I'll be watching what you guys do. Who knows? Maybe you'll win a cigarette case or lighter sized vintage sterling silver 2AA. That would be fun.


I think Stuart has been invited to CPF a couple of times. I've never talked to him. I sure do like his lights. Take a tour if you haven't before. Stuart's site with flashlight museum pieces
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

This is the first post for this mod, I just got the light. I would concider doing a mod for others like this, conditions being, parts avail, and flashlight donor avail.
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

Thanks, Jeff.

I won't bug you about a mod until I have my ducks in a row.

I'll be watching for when you get your main computer on line. Your description of your light was excellent. I'm pretty sure I know what you built and it's impressive.

- another Jeff
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

MUCHO thanks to AW for posting these pics. What a GREAT community of flashlight freaks we are.

Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

AW -

Yes that's the one.

WildRice -

That 90 year old torch looks to be in nice shape. The appointments look to be brass? Handsome light. The beam looks great.
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

That is really cool the WR.

Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

Hard to tell by the pics, it is silver, well prob nickel or something. Still cleaning the surfaces, still really tarnished.
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

"Hey! Check out my 100 year old flashlight!"

*user looks into the front end of the light*

*flashaholic presses switch*

"ARRRGH!" /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crackup.gif

What a blast from the past! I've always wondered whether you could mod these ancient things and your ingenity has proved that yes, it can be done. Great mod!
Re: 1915 Franco LUX I mod

I am watching one on ebay, I think its an ever-ready early 1900's, 3x size "2" or 'D' cell, the head peice has alot of metal on it,and the main part is brass. I saw there is someone on B/S/T selling LUX III's for $10 each, sounds like a cantadate for a 'DD' to me.

Ok, its a ray-o-vac.. like before, if anyone here wants to bid on this post it here, and I will let this one go.

ebay link
