2-AA MiniMag conversion burn time


Newly Enlightened
Jan 8, 2002
Ogden, Utah USA
Has anyone had any experience with converting the AA MiniMag to a 5600 mcd ultra-bright white LED using the N-cell batteries and a 10 ohm resistor? Mostly, I am wondering how long of "useable" light I will have on a set of batteries.
I did the conversion and the light was still burning just as bright after being left on for 8 hours cont. hours.
Using Nichia NSPW500BS and 3 Radio-Shack N Cells
with a spacer and 1/4 watt 10 ohm resistor.
Hi there,

According to a data sheet on an alkaline
N cell, driving the LED at 10ma you can
get about 60 hours of life. Driving it
at 20ma, you can get about 30 hours.
The light will still stay lit however
at the end of these time periods.
