2 Level Duty Light Quandry


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2004
Have been looking for a good backup (edc) light for duty use. I use an 8NX, but the darn B90 Ni-Cad doesn't like -3 temperatures for long, so a good LED/Lithium backup is a must. Have been slumming with a QIII, and while impressed, I really need a 2 level light. Can't really check a drunk's pupils with the QIII. They start blinking and complaining about it being too bright. j/k....

Anyway, I requested one each of the L1, L2, A2 w/ White LED's from my dealer for T&E. I'll give em a work out for 30 days, checking under nasty car seats, looking into drunken glazed eyeballs, etc.

I'm aware of the L4 + McE2S combo, but I'd like to stay stock SureFire because I'll probably be outfitting the department with this light.

If you are interested, I'll post an informal review when I'm done.
For the sobriety challenged the simple keychain type led works best in my opinion. Have you considered the QuiqLite that clips just under your uniform shirt pocket? It was designed by a cop, for a cop, and mostly the intended purpose is putting a little light on your cite book while keeping your arms free.


As for a backup light, I don't carry one other then a little microlight; I want to keep the crap on my belt to a minimum. I have recently started to use the Streamlight TaskLight 2-L (not to be confused with the TL-2, oh why do they name these lights so similarly?). It's a 3watt Luxeon LED with both hi and low brightness. So far I like it, but can't find a decent holder yet.


Another plus for this light is that it's long enough to tuck under your non-gun arm. Lights as small as the QIII just get lost in your armpit.
I had a chance to use my L2 at an accident scene last night. The low output worked fine for a general checkover of one of the victims. I didn't need the high setting at all. I could wish it was whiter, but you don't need to worry about that as much I think, since you're probably not trying to sort out various fluids and other, umm, stuff. The low setting is still a bit much for pupil response, especially in dim light, but that's what penlights are for.

I'm thinking I'll try a rechargable Pila 168 in it and see how it likes that.

I think you're going to find that the A2 is the best for your stated purposes. Every L2 I've seen is pretty bright on the low setting, plus you have that LED/ambient light problem. The L1's low setting is low enough, but the high isn't very... high. You DID say back-up light, so I assume you want it to be ready for anything. The incan on the A2 will handle emergency lighting, and the LEDs are plenty low enough for checking pupils, reading in the unit, writing a report, etc.

I'm curious about exactly WHAT you're checking on pupil dilation in regards to field sobriety testing. Good old gaze nystagmus works almost every time, and pupil dilation is irrelevant there. Yeah, if the guy's pupils look like double-ought buckshot, he might be impaired... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Anyway, I've tried just about all of the SF offerings except the rechargables, and have settled on the A2 as EDC. I work plainclothes these days, but if I went back into uniform tomorrow I'd still carry the A2 right where it is now.

BTW, have you tried using the corona of your flashlight beam to check eyes? I used to center the hot spot on the hairline or slightly above; this illuminated the eyes without dazzling them. That's the way we did it with SL-20s and other powerful "cop lights" when I was on the road. You definitely did NOT want to zap a drunk in eye with the full beam; unless he was combative.
Another vote for the Streamlight TaskLight 2-L.
As mentioned already: decent throw on high and useable light on low. Build quality: almost bullet proof. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy14.gif Could possibly be used with a 17670 rechargeable cell!?? When I tested it the 17670 was almost dead and brightness was noticeably less than on 123`s. Don`t know how it works on a fully charged cell `cause I`ve no charger right now!
It`s worth a try!
Steve C said:
I'm curious about exactly WHAT you're checking on pupil dilation in regards to field sobriety testing. Good old gaze nystagmus works almost every time, and pupil dilation is irrelevant there. Yeah, if the guy's pupils look like double-ought buckshot, he might be impaired... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Not really looking at pupils, just HGN test... but they do have to have their eyes open for the test, and my 8NX and QIII is a bit too bright for that. I do have a penlight, but would like a light that I can just press a little harder for a blinding beam if said drunk gets froggy on me. Give me time to pull the Taser /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
sgtlmj said:
Not really looking at pupils, just HGN test... but they do have to have their eyes open for the test, and my 8NX and QIII is a bit too bright for that. I do have a penlight, but would like a light that I can just press a little harder for a blinding beam if said drunk gets froggy on me. Give me time to pull the Taser /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

There ya go - L2. As mentioned, you can use the spill light for pupils. I didn't think of that. Insufficient caffeine, I guess! Press the tailswitch all the way and crank it up to full output instantly. Ouch!


<<..just HGN test..>>

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus; greatest trick to come down the pike in quite some time. Where it has really shined is in allowing prosecution of all these drunk *******s operating boats. In the past, you couldn't get any field sobriety test info introduced due to the unstable platform (boat on the water). HGN took care of that.

Anyway, I'll reiterate my recommendaton of the A2. Try 'em and see. You may prefer the L2.
I have sold Q3's and now have a few Nuwai 3 watt, 2 cr123, tm115x focussable 2 level lights on hand that do exactly as you described needing.
The belt holster it comes with even fits a wide service belt with no problems.
I'll bump that back to the top in bst lights forum for you to look into if you like.
The problem with choosing a light for the administration of the HGN is that you only want to have something bright enough for the suspect to be able to follow with their eyes, without being blinded, but YOU also need to be able to see good enough to see if/when nystagmus sets in before maximum deviation. It sounds to me like the Surefire A2 would fit the order. Most LED lights are still overly bright, even in low mode, to be stared into. If you did want to go LED, I'm not aware of anything that Surefire makes that would suffice. Maybe you could get an L2 and add more resistance to the tail switch, but I don't know how viable this would be on a department wide scale.
Nuwai 3 watt, 2 cr123, tm115x focussable 2 level lights >>>>>>>>>

I bought two (admittedly hand selected) Nuwai's, and the lights are far brighter than my Gerber LX 3.0, have a tighter beam on high, and rival a 2/123 Xenon in throw. I was quite surprised, to say the least.

The low setting is quite low. I'm an Optometrist, and would have no problem with pupil response testing with it on low. It's low enough to read/write with, with no blinding.

Nice even side spill on both settings.

Mag type switch is a big plus for me.

It's about an inch shorter than the equivelent 3 watt 2/123 Streamlight.

A VERY underrated light, or should I say unnoticed ?
Actually, the suspect needs to be able to see the implement used to administer HGN (pen, etc.); not the light itself.

Chop is indeed correct that you don't want to dazzle/blind the person; using the corona of light as I described above suffices nicely, so just about any light will do for that purpose. I've done I don't know how many with an SL-20 or 6P, both of which are pretty darn bright.

My recommendation of the A2 was more along of the lines of a general-purpose light; which we know doesn't exist. But regarding stock, readily-available production lights, an A2 comes the closest, for basic LE patrol work, that I've seen yet.

I noticed that you mentioned that you were interested in trying a 168 in your L2.

As such I wanted to give you a heads up that I myself own an L4 which supports the 168S. One of the reasons that I chose that light is I heard, and still believe that the L2 cannout support either the 168A or 168S, as the batteries will not fit into the body of the L2.

If anyone else has any feedback, please feel free to share.

I'll give it a try anyway - I have an L4, and if the Pila won't work in the L2 it will in the L4! Time to get an order in.


Dealer confirms that the L1, L2, A2 are on the way for demo.

I also requested a M651UE07, which is a Scout light with a tape switch and thumbscrew mount. I don't think I'll put a LED head on it, as throw is what you need on an M4 carbine.

Thank God CR123's have gone down in price over the years. Ammo for the firearms and ammo for the flashlights was getting expensive.