Hi Everyone,
Let me apologize in advance--I know this is a fairly long thread with several questions, but I didn't want to break it up and clog up the forums with multiple posts. So...a big thank you in advance to everyone who actually reads this, and takes the time to answer :thanks:. Even if you just have something to share on aspect of the thread, that'd be great. Hopefully others may find this useful as well.
So, here is the situation: I have a friend who is graduating academy in December, and I'd like to put together the best light for him that I can afford. My primary goal is to build him a nice backup light. He already has a Mag 2C, which, if I have some money left over, I'd also like to improve a bit. He'll likely be on foot patrol when he first gets out, so weight is a concern. I read a whole bunch of the "which light for an LEO?" threads, and have pretty much settled on an idea. But I wanted to run it by you guys to see if you think it is a good one, and what could be changed.
For the backup light, I was thinking of going with the SF 6PD and the Malkoff M60 dropin, powered by 2 R123a cells.
Things I like: Surefire quality
Malkoff Cree brightness and tint
Crenellated bezel
But there are also some things that I am unsure about. I'd like to hear what you guys think (especially any LEOs).
Concerns: Not sure how long the run time would be, and what I should aim for.
I know it's going to get beat up, but HAIII would be nicer.
I'm assuming magnets wouldn't be required, but just want to make sure.
Is the weight of this light a problem at all for carying? Would something even smaller be recommended, since he is already carrying a 2C (on foot)? Is a backup light even useful enough to warrant carrying it in this situation?
Anything else you could think of, I'd really like to hear....
As for improving the 2C: I don't want to go with an LED dropin--think he'd prefer an incan (unless there is some reason not to). What options are out there to improve it? I read the ROP 2C thread, but I'm not sure if that would be a good idea. Would bulb life be too short? Run time? Would it be too bright? Not sure if a dimmer light is actually useful to have on you for writting, etc. Again, lots of questions, but any input would be really appreciated. Thanks for bearing with the long thread, and potentially ignorant questions :thinking:!!
Let me apologize in advance--I know this is a fairly long thread with several questions, but I didn't want to break it up and clog up the forums with multiple posts. So...a big thank you in advance to everyone who actually reads this, and takes the time to answer :thanks:. Even if you just have something to share on aspect of the thread, that'd be great. Hopefully others may find this useful as well.
So, here is the situation: I have a friend who is graduating academy in December, and I'd like to put together the best light for him that I can afford. My primary goal is to build him a nice backup light. He already has a Mag 2C, which, if I have some money left over, I'd also like to improve a bit. He'll likely be on foot patrol when he first gets out, so weight is a concern. I read a whole bunch of the "which light for an LEO?" threads, and have pretty much settled on an idea. But I wanted to run it by you guys to see if you think it is a good one, and what could be changed.
For the backup light, I was thinking of going with the SF 6PD and the Malkoff M60 dropin, powered by 2 R123a cells.
Things I like: Surefire quality
Malkoff Cree brightness and tint
Crenellated bezel
But there are also some things that I am unsure about. I'd like to hear what you guys think (especially any LEOs).
Concerns: Not sure how long the run time would be, and what I should aim for.
I know it's going to get beat up, but HAIII would be nicer.
I'm assuming magnets wouldn't be required, but just want to make sure.
Is the weight of this light a problem at all for carying? Would something even smaller be recommended, since he is already carrying a 2C (on foot)? Is a backup light even useful enough to warrant carrying it in this situation?
Anything else you could think of, I'd really like to hear....
As for improving the 2C: I don't want to go with an LED dropin--think he'd prefer an incan (unless there is some reason not to). What options are out there to improve it? I read the ROP 2C thread, but I'm not sure if that would be a good idea. Would bulb life be too short? Run time? Would it be too bright? Not sure if a dimmer light is actually useful to have on you for writting, etc. Again, lots of questions, but any input would be really appreciated. Thanks for bearing with the long thread, and potentially ignorant questions :thinking:!!