Yeah, liveforphysics, the DPSS lasers will be very different depending on temperature unless you have TEC regulation (not going to happen in a cheap portable). As for 30mW green, MAYBE, but I have a feeling that's either a very rare occurrence, or something was wrong with the metering setup. My 20mW definitely wouldn't give me those ratings.
As for IR filtering, they are not well IR filtered, but they aren't completely unfiltered either. More info on that will be posted in the next few days, but I'll suffice to say that you shouldn't expect 200mW 532nm out of that laser. Also, they are VERY poor quality. The WL and CNI black/gold lasers are much better, these are cheap chinese mass-produced to save every penny possible, and the product really shows it. At the price though, its hard to complain.
As for the pump (whoever asked), I don't have a 200mW to dismantle, but if the DX lasers are manufactured by NewWish, I will try to get my contact at NewWish to provide pump diode specs. Its hard to get the setup recollimated though if you're trying to use it as an IR laser. Maybe better to either start from scratch from a diode, or pay the extra price to get a already manufactured one (PM for details if needed).