2024 olympics

For all those heavily invested in this Algerian boxer drama, you might consider reading Caster Semenya's book from 2023. It sheds light on many things previously left to speculation. Intersex, hyperandrogenism, and differences of sexual development are extremely tricky issues for the athletics community. It's not cut and dry at all.

Governing bodies are often more concerned about politics than atheletes and often react poorly. Sometimes cowardly. For the athletes (those with and without rare conditions) it can be devastating. Semenya certainly went through an enormous amount of tribulation.

It should be noted that while culture war rhetoric has many people beliving there are only women and men biologically, there are in fact many areas that don't fit so cleanly into a box when it come to codifying things like athletic eligibility around sex/gender.
i think we are tied in golds again for top place and a course we are winning in silver and bronze

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Image 8-7-24 at 9.20 AM.jpg
dang china is in gold medal lead again i still dont understand how there so much better then us i have nothing against Chinese people i just dont like there government
dang china is in gold medal lead again i still dont understand how there so much better then us i have nothing against Chinese people i just dont like there government
It's because when an American athlete wins a gold medal he goes to Disney Land, but when a Chinese athlete wins a gold medal his or her family members are released from the secret prison.
It's because when an American athlete wins a gold medal he goes to Disney Land, but when a Chinese athlete wins a gold medal his or her family members are released from the secret prison.
Well, they have to have a way of preventing their athletes from defecting or asking for asylum once off of Chinese soil. Assuming they can somehow get away from their Chinese Handlers pretending to be their Coaches.
ok we lead gold again and have 40 more over all medals then china woohoo
i have no idea what team srb is but how can they beat us in basketball lol there beating us now

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