2024 olympics

The Russians have 32 athletes at the Olympics, but they aren't competing under the Russian flag. They are "neutrals".

Six medals.
Good for them. At least they had the money and support to train and compete. Bet there would have been many more if things had been different. They'll do better next time during the Winter Olympics. Russians are hearty cold weather tested people. Hopefully after things stabilize in their region and they have a time of peace to train.
i have nothing againt rushain people but puttin i hope he dies passing a stoll on the toilet and falls in head first
as a genX kid we all was afraid of the rushains not anymore they cant even win agasitn the ukrane which borders there country there is no way they would come to the usa where we all have guns and know how to use them plus are miltary is kick ***
Ukraine has been very strong willed and persistent. They have come up with attack plans we did not think of. They made cheap boats loaded with explosives, remote controlled to be used as drones to take out bridges without putting soldiers at risk. Our military is now designing smaller, lighter versions. I've seen some of their early encounters with the Russians and they can only be attributed to acts of God. A forty mile line of tanks got stuck in the mud trying to reach Kiev. That's a God thing. Russian tanks being struck by lightning. God. Russians taking Ukrainian flags as trophies and putting them on their tanks, then other Russian tanks firing on them thinking they're Ukrainians. God.

Now, unfortunately, Ukraine has been put on a leash by our President for too long and because of it they have suffered great casualties. Only recently have they been given the tools needed and permission allowed to take the attack to Russia. Now, hopefully this gives them a buffer zone so the Russians can't keep dropping glide bombs on Ukrainian soil out of range of attack from Russian soil. This is why they went into Russia. Russia will have to rethink their strategy.

As for the U.S., since the Afghanistan withdrawal, our enemies see blood in the water. They know we have poor leadership making stupid military decisions and they are taking advantage. The Houthis in Yemen are attacking ships going through a major trade route. We have war ships in the area, but they are target practice. They have orders to shoot down the missiles coming at the ships (wasting all our money and missiles) but don't fire back at the people shooting the missiles. The leaders are morons. I have nothing against our servicemen and women, but they deserve leaders who aren't trying to get them killed. As long as the Houthis have some control of those waters, fuel, food, and other commodity prices will keep going up. This can destroy our nation alone from the inflation it causes and our skyrocketing debt. Russia is getting what is intact of our weapons from their encounters with Ukraine and learning how to make them for themselves. They are sharing this knowledge with Iran, North Korea, and China. Iran is buying time to make nukes. They may already have them now. Half of the U.S. is convinced we need to ban guns and half of Congress is willing to shred the Second Amendment today. One of the presidential candidates has promised to take away people's guns. Our enemies aren't afraid of us. They're deciding when and if to attack while strengthening their militaries and stockpiling weapons, to put themselves in a better bargaining position should that day come.
View attachment 65771
Talk about bad@$$.....
Rather watch that than some of the new 'sports'.

Son and I through the years had battles with Nerf Rival and gellet weapons. We always had eye protection (getting popped in the mouth or ear by the nerf projectile was regrettable) but with the gellets he wore a motorcycle helmet and I used a welding mask (with the filter up). Crazy how often I'd get shot on the hand; hurts.

Glad to see hand protection in 1908.
as a genX kid we all was afraid of the rushains not anymore they cant even win agasitn the ukrane which borders there country there is no way they would come to the usa where we all have guns and know how to use them plus are miltary is kick ***
Red Dawn (the Original, not that crappy re-make) was a great film.
Red Dawn (the Original, not that crappy re-make) was a great film.
Yes it was, but it didn't depict the full Ezekiel 38 attack that includes not only Russia, but Iran, parts of Africa (Cush and Put), eastern Europe (Gomer), and Turkey (Beth Togarmah). Turkey is technically still part of NATO and they have our nukes. They can't be trusted. They will betray the U.S. and Israel. Expect them to try to "help" in peace negotiations and then side with Russia and Iran. When or before they go after Israel full force, they'll attack the U.S..
Yes it was, but it didn't depict the full Ezekiel 38 attack that includes not only Russia, but Iran, parts of Africa (Cush and Put), eastern Europe (Gomer), and Turkey (Beth Togarmah). Turkey is technically still part of NATO and they have our nukes. They can't be trusted. They will betray the U.S. and Israel. Expect them to try to "help" in peace negotiations and then side with Russia and Iran. When or before they go after Israel full force, they'll attack the U.S..
In fairness, the film wasn't made from a Biblical perspective in mind.
As for real life, Turkey technically being a friend, is a sick joke!
They let America-hating terrorists train on their soil. And, can't be bothered to pretend (except on a thin surface level) that they don't.

Whenever someone asks me about Canik pistols, I always steer them to other brands. From an objective perspective, there's nothing wrong with Canik as far as functionality goes. But why would any intelligent American buy a pistol Made in Turkey? That's like an older Jewish person buying a VW. Not saying Canik is Anti-American. But they pay taxes from money made from selling to American customers.... to a very Anti-American government.

There's a reason why I try to fuel up at Hess gas-stations. They don't import their oil from Anti-American nations.
omg i miss my hess truck with working headlight
Hess usually releases variations on the Hess truck during the Christmas shopping season. If there's a particular one you want, eBay is (usually) your friend.
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I read they couldn't get the medals over the Adams Apple. Isn't that strange?

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