225 Polymer Optics 5 Degree Reflector for MC-E


I´m planning to build some multi MC-E bike light. Would this reflector be the best choice for throw for MC-E? Any pics for comparison with other reflectors/optics? Thanks.[/quote]

I haven't seen any beamshots anywhere, although I keep looking. I should have a couple of them in hand by next weekend (crossing fingers) and I'll post shots then. The rest of the light is built, waiting for the optic.
Be aware that the diffuser has been revised since the pix you saw at Cutter. It's a very light, very pretty optic that ought to work very well. It's actually one of two I'm waiting on. The Fraen FRC is the other, and No One has that yet. I have great hopes for the FRC.
The Ledil Boom has to be filed away with some PCB's, the Eva-D throws a good beam, but too wide for me.

OK I got my Polymer optics 225 there are some beam shots added here. It's got a tighter beam than anyting else apart from the Tesco C torch optic.

OK I got my Polymer optics 225 there are some beam shots added here. It's got a tighter beam than anyting else apart from the Tesco C torch optic.


Which version is that?
I got a few several days ago, and they have added a diffuser to the front of the optic. It stiffens the entire structure. Considerably.

It has a small diffuser sort of sitting just above the led and then reflector around the side. It's an interesting design because although it has that better lux value than any mce optic apart from the Tesco optic it also seams to have some quite nice low level spill which the Tesco optic has not got.


Assuming that the pix come through. The new 225 looks like that.
I suspect it will smooth out the beam a bit.
