27L light which converter?


Feb 20, 2004
Herts, England
I am just about to build an LE for a beauty of a TnC light I just got. I am trying to decide which converter/pic to use?
It will be driving a Seoul P4 W0.

I have a choice...


I want a user light and super throw is not necessary, I will make up another LE if it isn't enough.

your thoughts?

Ian :)
I'll second the Flupic, I just had my TNC's LE built last week-end, it was also for the 27mm head and MCR27-S reflector. I used the Flupic with the P4, let me tell you it is a nice setup. I also have an A19 head with Cree P4 and Flupic, maybe I'll post some comparison beamshots tonight. :grin2:

I would look at the newer piglet regulated drivers.

ianb said:
I am just about to build an LE for a beauty of a TnC light I just got. I am trying to decide which converter/pic to use?
It will be driving a Seoul P4 W0.

I have a choice...


I want a user light and super throw is not necessary, I will make up another LE if it isn't enough.

your thoughts?

Ian :)
Well here are a few comparisons, both lights feature a Flupic V2.2 with the same mode and user brightness settings, first picture is brightness setting #3, second picture is brightness setting #7 and the last picture is maximum brightness. The light on the left is an A19 with MCR19XR reflector running a Cree P4 with Flupic, the light on the right is a TNC SF series 27mm head with MCR27-s reflector running a SSC P4 Ubin WO tint LED with Flupic. Both lights are powered with one of AW's new protected R123's. All shots are with both lights approximately 3 feet from a white wall.

Level 3, A19 left, TNC 27 right

Level 7, A19 left, TNC 27 right

Max brightness, A19 left, TNC 27 right
Thanks all :thumbsup:

yaesumofo, I am a little impatient having waited a couple of weeks to get the light and can't wait for another driver so will probably go for the flupic as I have it in hand, but what are the benefits of the piglet over the flupic?

Thanks for the beamshots digitaleos, I do love the indentations in the edge of the beam from the TnC bezel, its the same on my lavalamp.

thanks, Ian :)
The piglet is fully regulated two current levels, usually 50-500ma but they are currently out of stock still. I need to wait for more parts before I can build more. Search and you'll see a thread by me that details the piglet in an TnC canister/light build.

Ian, sorry that I ask this question in your thread, but it's so simple, that's not worth to open a new thread:eek:

I plan to modify a light with a McR27-L reflector with a SSC-P4. To fit the Led inside the reflector, I have to file down the opening of the reflector.
For best focus, is it necessary to bore out the opening (of course with a borer by hand) to fit the black plastic part into the opening or suffice the opening to fit the die of the Led?
Do I need a 0.03" thick copper spacer?

Thank you very much and best regards

...although it doesn't answer your question directly, I have a McR-27 S from the Shoppe (enlarged opening McR-27L) and it allows just the 'gummy' covered die only and not the black plastic.
but the question of raising the LED I would like to know too :thinking: :D

Ian :)
Re: 27L light which converter? *wiring problem*

Okay, I have the LED centered and mounted on the TnC canister. Now I need some help, I have tried and failed to wire in both the flupic and the GD400, it is probably my fault no problem, just immensely frustrating...

...but can anyone help me as to what I should wire to what?

I'm guessing...
LED+ output to LED anode
GND output to LED cathode

heres where I'm not sure:-

GND to canister?

well thats what I have done and it doesn't seem to work :ohgeez:

I have checked battery and also the McClicky and they both appear fine.

Help me please, I have a really nice light here but 3 hours work last night has left me with a light that doesn't work and me deflated at best.

If you have any help or advice I'd be pleased to hear :popcorn:

thanks, Ian
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What you have there is correct. You should test the can outside of the light. If it doens't work inside, then something is not making contact...like battery button not making contact with battery contact?