2C Lights


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I know there has been tons of discussion on this. Of course the stupid search feature won't let me search for 2C (it's under 3 char min length)


I decided to move into the 2C platform, any suggestions? I am aware of the AAP 3W lite, is that the best 2C light there is? Any others in the same price range?
Here are some 2C lights made by Emissive Energy Corp (Inova):

2C Radiant - got mine for $7 on clearance. Does not throw well. Good spill beam. Clumsy, large.

2C Victorinox -- I don't own one, but my 2AAA version has superb construction. Available with a rubber grip covering or without.
There's a Task Force brand 2C 3 watt at Lowe's. It's essentially the same as the AAP light, but costs $10 more, so no advantage. I'm very pleased with my AAP light. Also, it appears to be very easy to mod if you're so inclined.

I just recently noticed that Home Depot is marketing a 2C 1 watt LED.

It is sold under the "Husky" brand (which is HD's brand).

The packaging boasts a regulation circuit, for max brightness throughout the battery life.

It looks like a Seoul LED inside, but certainly not the high-powered P4.

Its only $14.97, but I have yet to try it.

HD does have that 90 day return policy though, so I might give it a shot :xyxgun:.