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Sold/Expired 2C Mag Tail Cap mod and Cut-down service for AW's "C" cells


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 2, 2006

PLEASE READ: There are a couple things I want to make clear before anyone sends me a tail cap to mod. 1) You won't be able to use it with regular C size Alk or Nimh batteries after the mod. and 2) Since the threaded portion of the tail cap is being shortened there will be fewer threads screwing into the body of the light. If you are not sure you can live with these then please don't send me your tail cap.

OK that being said what I am offering is very straight forward. As described in the Feeler thread I will modifiy your Mag 2C or FM extended tail caps so that you can use them in a 2C without the need for an extension.

I will also offer to purchase a new light for you and mod it's tail cap. In my area colors are pretty much only black and pewter.

Another option I will make available is cutting down 3C or 4C lights while leaving the tail cap stock. This will accomplish the same goal of housing either 2 of AW's "C" cells in the cut down 3C or 3 cells in a cut down 4C.

Option 1: Send me your existing Mag tail cap to mod.
  • Mag or FM exteneded tail cap $12 each + return shipping.
Option 2: New Mag 2C with modded tail cap. (Black or Pewter)
  • $30 + shipping.
Option 3: New 2C, 3C or 4C cut down for use with 1, 2 or 3 Cells (3 & 4 cells only come in Black)
  • 2C > 1 x "C" $45 + shipping.
  • 3C > 2 x "C" $45 + shipping.
  • 4C > 3 x "C" $47 + shipping.
There has also been some interest expressed in cutting down lights for use with Modamag's new C "MagClickie" switch. I will aslo offer to do this on new lights. This requires cutting off the stock switch area of the body and threading that end for tail cap. The tail cap end is then cut off and threaded for the head. Be aware however that you will need to make a light engine that will allow for the elctrical path to flow without a switch near it. i.e. no wires coming out of the switch.
  • New black Mag cut down to 1 x "C" $65 + shipping.
  • New black Mag cut down to 2 x "C" $67 + shipping.
As stated above shipping is addtional. Since you may choose a variety of items I will take shipping on a individual basis. However it will be via either USPS Priority or 1st class depending on weight.

Payment: I can take Paypal either Cash or CC is fine. I will also accept USPS money orders. I will provide my PP address and or my mailing address via PM.

Please post in this thread your desired mods. Please also send me a PM with your order along with the method of payment you wish to use. If you'll be sending me tail caps to mod I will provide my mailing address in a response to your PM. I will also provide my PP address.

If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to send me a PM.
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what about cutting down a new 2C to 1C but leaving the switch and tail-cap intact? only the tail-end of the tube would need re-threading. a 1C would be ideal for direct driving a P4 or even a tri-star using one of Aw's LiIon.
lexina said:
what about cutting down a new 2C to 1C but leaving the switch and tail-cap intact? only the tail-end of the tube would need re-threading. a 1C would be ideal for direct driving a P4 or even a tri-star using one of Aw's LiIon.

Yes I will add that option.
PM sent.

I think I would be interested in a combination of Option 3 and Option 1 (Option 4?).

Basically, I would like a new Mag2C cut-down to extended 1C to accept Aw's cell. At the same time, could you also cut-down the tail-cap so that I can use it on another of my Mags?

As for colour, could I have pewter since this colour is available under Option 2 for the Mag2C?

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A very good service!

Quick question: will the cutdown for the 1 x "C" flashlight's body be essentially all knurled when using the MagClickie? What I'd like to do is basically make my cyclops aka this light into a C sized body. Could you possibly provide a length estimate of how long the light is?

If essentially the full body is knurled, the lengths should be about the same, then I'm definitely down for one of these!
PM sent...

Stock 3c - Stock 2c - FiveMega 2c with Jack - FiveMega 2c - FiveMega Extended 2c - FiveMega 1c with Jack - FiveMega Deep Tail Cap


PM sent...

:cool: Option 1: Send me your existing Mag tail cap to mod.

- TWO tailcaps (one blue/one pewter) for cut-down service please. Will mail out tomorrow. PayPal to follow.

Gary :xyxgun:
big beam said:
How about a 4C cut down in that dark slate grey HA?


I'm not having any anodizing done at the moment other than my new 18650 bodies, sorry. I can cut one down for you though if you would like.
:paypal: for...

[1] Mag Tail Cap Cut-down service for AW's "C" cells

i'll ship out the 'spring' tomorrow morning for you to work on.

bxstylez said:
i'll ship out the 'spring' tomorrow morning for you to work on.

?? I don't need the spring. All I need you to send me is the tail cap itself.
Mirage_Man said:
?? I don't need the spring. All I need you to send me is the tail cap itself.

oooooooh ok
i just viewed the above pics again and noticed the tailcap was also cut down

thanks for clearing everything up
i'll be sending these out tomorrow