4 x RCR123 compatible potted bulb?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2005
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I have a Mac built mini RoP I am now looking for some different bulbs to play with. Im able to use four rechargeable 123's in the light. Which bulb would work the best? Im sure the 1185 would work but the amperage draw is to high for the 123's. Im not looking for runtime, just looking for the "WOW". The bulb needs to be potted.

Suggestions please.
as I understand it, the original design accommodated 2 18650s... and you are *thinking* that switching to a 4xRCR123 will open options for brighter lamps...

unfortunately, I don't think this is the case,... I'd stick with the 18650s, because a single 18650 tends to have about 4 fold the capacity of 1 RCR123, even though it only takes up approximately the space of 2 123 cells.

A RCR123 under high current demands will deliver about 0.5AH capacity, and be able to deliver about 1 amp safely, up to around 1.5A if you want to push it and reduce cycle life a lot. Around 22W at best from 4 cells.

A 18650 under high current demands often still holds up around 2AH capacity, and can safely deliver around 3-4 amps, up to around 5-6 amps if you want to push it and reduce cycle life a lot (with unprotected cells). That's around 40 watts of output potential in a "wow" factor light.

So.... with that in mind, I can't really recommend a bulb, but can suggest gearing your bulb search towards ~5-7V rated lamps.