632nm mod for laser?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2005
Well, Burt's at it again... I was just curious if I could boost the power of a 632nm cheap laser diode to as much mw as possible. I don't really care if it breaks, it's barely worth anything now because the diode is strapped to 4 C batteries /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif. Would increasing voltage work, or if not, how do I boost up the m-wattage any other way? Just wanted to do something with it to make it better because it is just collecting dust ever since I got my greenie. I love my greenie, it's 45 mw /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Considering that the pump diodes in greenies are designed (and heatsinked) to put out a couple hundred milliwatts, and red diodes are only designed for a few milliwatts, I think you might get a tiny bit more power out of them but nothing like what you're probably hoping for. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif
Uh, well, this is JUST the diode and non other electronics like a pot of any circuit board. It's only the diode.

What about a safe mod for a red laser? I had read somewhere else on cpf that the red lasers from atlasnova had a pot and that the current could be increased to 45mw without too much risk. Does anyone know if you can swap the diode on these red lasers for something that can handle more power? and if so, from where would you get a diode like this?
I think it was milli-amps, not the mW that can go up to 45, at least what i remember from that particular post, and they got maybe about 20mW, not sure.

But I can just see arnold......./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad71.gif

"Nooooo!!!!!!. They're starting to disembowel my red pointers now........."/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif

Mine are staying in one piece /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
632nm solid state diode?

I know 650~670nm are cheap 'n easy to find.

635nm cost a tad bit more ($21 for one of Arnolds)

but 632? Is that the spec?
yeah, i was thinking that earlier but forgot to put an edit in. I'm pretty sure he's refering to 635......
Well, this is one I got years ago from Big 5 sporting goods. Just some cheap laser that went throught the washing machine... As I figured, it didn't work because the circuitry was messed up(corroded). Well, I was able to disassemble it and found that the circuit board is nothing but a switch (seriously). Well, I took the diode off this board and first hooked it up to two c batteries and then added two more to see if I could get some more power. Well, that failed, so I came here. It IS NOT from arnold. It isn't even a well-known brand or company.

If it's not DED yet, it will be if you feed the diode straight from the batteries. Sounds like there's some hidden circuitry you're unaware of.
DaFiend said:
But I can just see arnold......./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mad71.gif

"Nooooo!!!!!!. They're starting to disembowel my red pointers now........."/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/Christo_pull_hair.gif

Mine are staying in one piece /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL so are mine when I get them, they are not based on conversion efficiency of an MCA like the greens. WYSIWYG. If you do want higher power you'll be overdriving the diode and we all know lasers diodes tend not to like it and will blow very easily.

I have one of these 30mw in my LDS:

I don't really care if it blows. It's barely worth anything. Just a cheapy from Big 5. If it were one like you guys have, I wouldn't do it. This doesn't have a focusing lense and NO cicuitry. Seriously, I've searched it and there IS NOT any.