6AA Energizer Doublebarrel


Apr 3, 2002
I am rather new to the forums so please be gentle.

I bought this 4-5 years ago on clearance when I worked at Wal-Mart. I had put it in my car to be used for emergencies. It worked fine.. at lease until the light blew out.

I simply shrugged and forgot about it until I dug it back out. It is impossible to find the correct replacement bulb for it since it is discontinued.

I am wondering how easy it would be to modify this flashlight to use LED's. I know I could simply buy one.. but that would mean throwing this perfectly good flashlight away.

I am not looking to make it into a high powered lightsabre.
Pretty easy light to convert to LED, (use the search function for some ideas).

Or, you could just sell the light here-
Probably several people (including me) here who would buy it for more than what you paid for it.
Many of us would probably be willing to trade or pay for your light. It is far more appealing as a lightsabre than as an led light.

The T-2 1/4 bulb socket will hold a 4.8 V 6.6 watt halogen bulb designed for rechargeables in an Underwater Kinetics 4C diving light. You would have to rewire the light in series, run Nimh's, and insert two dummy cells. You'd get only one hour or so of run time and the Nimh's would self discharge in your trunk.

I found a DB 6AA last week that I'm sending to Aragorn to convert into a light sabre. If that works, I'll probably be willing to sell or trade my OEM 0.7 amp 4.2 volt xenon lamp to you.

email me if you're interested in waiting for my lamp.

email Aragorn if you want him to make a light sabre for you.

email Aragorn if you want to sell the lamp so he can build and resell a light sabre.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Silviron:
Pretty easy light to convert to LED, (use the search function for some ideas). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok I did a bit of searching. I couldn't find much that actually dealt with a 6AA DB (it was either the AAA's or 4AA versions).
Though I did come across this topic. 2nd to last post by lambda.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lambda:
I've also located (in the clearance stuff at Kmart) it's big brother, the six AA cell. Basically the same mod, only you don't have to mess with the switch, the light was made for 4.5V! Two nice big washers fit under the PC board this time, and used 2.75ohm (3 - 10ohm + 1 - 15ohm) resistor; limits current to 350ma with new batteries). Big, bright and long lasting; I've run it 3 hrs and it's not dimmed any noticeable amount yet. Definetly a serious light that really projects a nice beam several hundred feet. I'll try to post the mod with the other one in the next few days.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Think this would be a decent mod for my 6AA DB since I don't want a lightsabre?
This is a good mod that lambda did!!!

Got to
for details (step by step) on how to build

I'd be more interested in DB 8AA's than DB 6AA's. Please consider me when you want to sell them. Aragorn can do a relatively involved permanent light sabre mod with a SF P91 LA with the DB6AA. (I'm having him do one for me.)

There are three different Underwater Kinetics dive light bulbs that fit the DB 8AA. I will soon find out if they won't melt the reflector. There's are 6.6 watt and 18 watt four cell bulbs that wouldn't require any mod -- just the use of Nimh batteries. There are also a 14 watt and 18 watt 8 cell bulbs that would require changing the serial / parallel wiring to serial.

When I receive the DB 8AA I'm buying from Bushman I'll see which of the above work.

Local San Diego stores seem to carry only the DB 4AAA and not the DB 4AA. I may be in the market for a DB 4AA, convert it to serial and use either my in-transit OEM DB 8 AA bulb or an Underwater Kinetics 6.6 Watt 4 cell bulb in it.

You could also convert a DB 6AA to serial and run the DB 6AA with the 6.6 Watt bulb if you used two dummy spacers.
Are these things not made anymore?

Are they in high demand?

My local K-mart that is closing has several of these things on sale at 10% off.

Should I buy them and re-sell them?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lemlux:

There are three different Underwater Kinetics dive light bulbs that fit the DB 8AA. I will soon find out if they won't melt the reflector. There's are 6.6 watt and 18 watt four cell bulbs that wouldn't require any mod -- just the use of Nimh batteries. There are also a 14 watt and 18 watt 8 cell bulbs that would require changing the serial / parallel wiring to serial.

After passing a battery rack at a store I pondered about using photo batteries instead of AA's. In question is the 123 model (lithium.. either energizer or duracell). They are smaller than AA's, but also a bit thicker. But by eyeing the tubes on the DB it looks like they might fit. This is just a guess of course. I have a 123 that is currently in my camera, but since I still have unused film in it I dont want to take it out.

I surmise that you could get at least 4 of these in each tube with space left over in length. Each battery is 3v.. so 8 batts total, 12v total in each tube if used parallel, 24v total if used in serial.

Just something that popped into my head, not sure how well itd work.
Interesting thought. I don't have the DBs at home so I don't know if they'd fit in the chanber if the battery holders were removed. I do see that 3 123's in a row are only about 1/8" longer than 2 AA's. 1/8 " is probably within the tolerance range of springs and the screw in battery end caps.

One might be able to make an M6 clone out of a DB 4AA run in serial. One could also overdrive a P91 more brightly for more than twice the normal P91 time by running serial / parallel 123's.

This also sounds expensive. The appeal of Aragorn's P91 Mod is that it uses inexpensive rechargable Nimh's.

This 123 approach might also allow a DB 4AA run in serial / parallel to use the 18 Watt 4 rechargeable battery UKE bulb given the significant voltage drop on 123's that Brock points out.

It might be an interesting thing to do with a light that would be run for very short periods.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lemlux:

This also sounds expensive. The appeal of Aragorn's P91 Mod is that it uses inexpensive rechargable Nimh's.

Yes more expensive. At least $11 for a 2 pack of these from Wal-Mart. So 8 would cost near $48 w/tax. Just depends on how you want to use it. Longer run time.. or to run a brighter led?

Or how about using the Energizer e2 lithium AA's?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by K A:
[QB]Yes more expensive. At least $11 for a 2 pack of these from Wal-Mart. So 8 would cost near $48 w/tax.

2 pack, or 4 pack? 4 pack= $11
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jakester:

2 pack, or 4 pack? 4 pack= $11

A 2 pack of model 123 photo batteries is around $11 at wal-mart. That's what I was going by.