$75 NRA G2Z


Sep 15, 2002
oxford ms
anyone else see this in American Rifleman (pg 11) or other NRA publication?

doesnt sound like much of a deal when the only difference is "NRA" molded into the body.
i expected nothing. just looking to arouse a little conversation and let others know about this "NRA Members Only" flashlight.

i think it is interesting that despite it being a "factory direct offer" the cost is high, the ad does not show an actual "NRA special" G2Z, and that surefire would team up and mold NRA into the body.
Perhaps a portion of the excessive price goes into the NRA coffers. How many times have you paid way too much for a 50 cent candy bar sold by your local school kids, knowing that the profits are going to a specific cause ?
don't waste yor money. buy from your favorite vendor and take the difference and give to gun owners of america. nra is too soft for my liking.
Originally posted by tkl:
don't waste yor money. buy from your favorite vendor and take the difference and give to gun owners of america. nra is too soft for my liking.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Yeah baby!! tkl, you are a man after my own heart! And if you have left-overs, JPFO deserves your hard earned money also.

FWIW, if you look at the biography of SureFire, Dr. Matthews is an avid shooter.

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