7w Lux 'Minimighty' Tasklight Update-Part 2

7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

cool.. time to start clean..



these are the latest images of the Minimighty..

Summary of the light: 7W 2 emitter LiON powered light.. charger built right in.. with the 'bighead' i expect close to 3000lux.. with the smallhead.. outputting 120 or so lumens and about 500 lux (but with tremendous amount of spill).

(extimates.. i'll have a test bed built soon to measure actual lux)..

I just moments ago made a model in black that i liked enough to share:


and.. for those curious about the possibility of 2xAAA version it's coming too:


I will make a 'bighead' for the micromighty as well.. i would expect to get around 1200+lux.

though the images are blue.. the plan is for the prototypes they will be 'black chrome' bodies and gold plated heatsink and clip... black doesn't work well for modeling and i like blue/gold, so i use that for modeling.

Size: it's 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 3 9/16 inches.. with the bighead on.. height goes to 4 inches long.. and the head is 2 1/4 x 1 inch.

a comparison to some other lights for size: CMG and my favorite muse.. the VIP


I hope to order the prototypes within about a month.

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drool.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/huh.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif Pay pal is loaded and ready to send..

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

Very nice Andrew. As you know well, I have been working this side by side concept for a while in a "family" home built, but based on 123, so definitely thicker.

Despite the printed claims, I have not been able to achieve the rated Lumens expected from a T bin Lux III, even with good heat sinking. I think you will be ok for heat management, even with the two LEDs, since they probably will not be on all that long at a time.
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

i wouldn't expect more than about 15 lumen/watt.. over driving the LEDs to 3.5W i anticipate getting as much as 60 lumens each.. since lumileds likes to say 120lumens from a 5W emitter.. maybe the 120 i'm estimating might be the first few minutes 'til the heatsink warms up.. but it's a very heavy duty heatsink unlike others, so even if it's not as bright as that it'll be as bright as possible given the variables.

another teaser image:

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

Looks great so far!
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

The micromighty is very nice too. It reminds me of an iPod Shuffle for some reason.

Will the micro' use AAA li-ions or AAA alkaline?

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

wow, these lights are looking sweeeeeet
very different design, slim, look like they will make great pocket lights.

Cant wait to see these materialize !

Keep up the grrrrreat work! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

I'll have you know that this light is the reason I don't have a HID yet had to pass on a GB with modmag/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/mecry.gif beacuse I HAVE TO HAVE THIS LIGHT/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/au.gif.

so lets all sing a song and have a round whilst we wait for this wonderful light /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/happy23.gif
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

Very nice the way this thing looks. Specially now with the clip. Looks like there is even space for a 3rd Lux3W
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

mobile1 said:
Looks like there is even space for a 3rd Lux3W

[/ QUOTE ]
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/str.gif Three ! I love it !
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

unfortunately... no-can-do.. look more closely at 'big head'.. the wide spacing is so that there is room for big reflectors.. i do have concepts with a third eye... like a red center, etc... I also wanted to make a 9W version with 3xL3s.. but the fatman won't output more than 700mA into 3 lux 3s from a single LiON bat.

In any event.. 3000lux is about what to expect from 2x 24mm reflectors.. give or take a bit.. the test i did with 2x20mm was 2500lux... i may de-tune the max brightness to get a solid 1hr.. so may be in the mid 2000 lux range.

In any event.. the models are basically 100% complete, ready to order the prototypes.. there is only the smallest amt of fine tuning to do (like figuring out exactly what part will be used for the power jack so i know how big the hole has to be precisely).

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

Andrew ,
Any idea on the final cost of these lights? A rough guesstimate will be fine so we the masses can start selling our 401, 403 plans, stock, bonds etc. I still have to pay for the USL, CR2, just paid for the polaris.
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

Andrew, IIRC the minimighty will run on Nimh or alkaline right ?

Any chance of a 4 "N" cell super compact model/battery pack ?
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

cost estimate.. over $200 below $250 is the goal.. if i can sell enough to order 300 initial units i can keep the cost below $250.. maybe $300 for a 'full boat' version with a spare battery and the bighead.. remember of course that this will include a high capacity (1800mAH LiON battery) and two premium luxeons.

The original MM will be LiON built-in.. in the second-generation I am planning on making a low-voltage model, but it can only be 3W vs 7 due to restraints on the power capabilities.

4N wouldn't have the output of a nano, so no plans of goiing that route.. I do have a plan for a 'pico' which uses a 1/2AAA Lion bat.. it would be 3/4W output but roughly 2/3 the size of the nano.. under 2" long and 1/2 " diameter.. but very difficult to source the batteries.

Don't ya just hate when you go up against the laws of physics?

Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

andrewwynn said:
Don't ya just hate when you go up against the laws of physics?


[/ QUOTE ]

But we've all become so accustomed to you bending those laws daily ! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif
Re: 7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2

pokkuhlag.. NO.. no Nimh on the 2AAA.. it would be the same brightness as the nano which is a single AAA light. It could be conceivable to make it 2W vs 1.5W if you use NiMH.. but with LiON.. the 2AAA model can be a full 3W even with driver overhead..

I haven't done cost estimates on the 2xAAA model yet, but a quick estimate .. lemme think a sec.. well.. maybe about the price of a current nano.. range is $90 to $131 depending on the emitter and extras.. I'm thinking there is a really good chance that a 2AAA micromighty would be sub $100 if i keep it simple (maybe just 1 level brightness, but with the charger and 2 batteries).

The entire reason the MM is the size it is is that the minimum requirement for alkaline batts to run 3W is 4 AAA batteries.. the case is designed around 4 AAA batteries for that exact reason.

When i discovered the LION AAA battery things changed and the first models will be LiON to take advantage of the power and the long term cost savings.. thing of this:

Alkaline batteries.. at 3W with 4 Batteries.. you can expect at a discount that you'll pay $2 per refill and you'll get about 35 minutes... which means.. $3.42/hr to operate... LiON batteries on the other hand... you can get SEVEN watts for about 50 minutes on a single charge.. and.. it would take about 8-10WH of energy to recharge the battery.. in Wi.. it's 10cents/KWH so.. 10WH*10/1000 = 1/10th of 1 cent to recharge.. or roughly 1/7 th of a cent per hour to operate.

In normal use i would expect about 1 charge per week maybe 2 per month.. and the batteries should last about 3 to 6 yrs... replacement LiON batteries for the MM should be less than $10 your cost from me.. (consider that the nano's AAA batteries are $9 each).... there is some amazing cost savings with the bigger flat-pack batteries.

I have some neat ideas i'm thinking about to 'get over the hump' of primary vs rechargeable batteries and the 'primary' pros vs cons just has way to many checks in the 'cons' column.

Here is an example to consider... the only consideration i can think of for 'primary' batteries is you have to go someplace where you won't have access to mains voltage OR 12V (car/boat/plane) voltage to recharge.. for a period of more than a couple weeks or even a month.

If you are an 'extreme adventurer'.... you may already have a 5 or 12V power source you can use to recharge your MM light..

I'm still interested in making the most ludicrously small lux light.. i won't ever beat the 'picolight' somebody else created out of a bullet... but mine will output close to a watt of power..


nano: 1.5W output.. 35minutes.. 1AAA
micromighty: 3W output 40 minutes 2AAA
minimighty: 7W output 50 minutes.. 1800mAH flat pack battery.

pico: .8W output: 30 minutes.. 1/2 AAA
minimighty II... 3W output.. 35 minutes on alkaline.. 50 minutes on NiMH.

I would like to hear some 'balance' on the other side for the point of primaries..

I just built a light for my dad using a VIP driver which can't take more than 3V so i can't use rechargeable 123... so i built it to use primary 123 lithium... now.. that's a different philosophy for use.. i made his light to not be expected to be used very often.. he can put it in his hunting gear and expect it to work if he doesn't use it more than a couple time a year... the MM can basically handle this job, but.. you'd want to charge it before you go (probably would not have to charge it while you were there, especially if you had a spare battery)... an hour of max power.. or 21 hrs of useful room illumination on a single charge.. it's really hard to justify why to fill up landfills with batteries when for a fraction of a penny you can recharge the light.

I am working on a very simple solar charger for the 'extreme sport' type that might be in the wilderness.. that would roll up or at least fit flat in a pack (made out of flexible panel for robustness) since that is pretty much the only 'need' for such a solution.. also i'm thinking of having a primary or tertiary solution.. i.e. having a 6V lantern battery as your charging source.. you could probably charge a minimighy light oh.. lets see.. probably takes 10WH to charge a MM light.. and about 150WH of storage in a single alkaline lantern battery.. means 15 recharges from a single 6V lantern battery.. considering they cost like $4 if you find them on sale.. for about a quarter a charge you can use the MM from a primary source that is portable enough to take just about anywhere... a much smaller source could be used.. like a flat-pack battery that you charge at home.

In any event.. not cutting off the plan to build a primary sourced version of MM, but the first models will definitely use state of the art batteries and not 1/2 century old battery technology... I would love to hear some arguments on the 'pro' side for primary batteries... is anybody going to want to buy a light of the caliber of MM and leave it sit in a drawer for a year at a time before they use it again (the primary argument for the likes of Lithium primary.. 10yr shelf life)... I wouldn't recommend a MM for the glovebox.. i'd get a CNC123 just like the one i just built my dad.. put in a 123 camera battery and you have one hellova relibable light.. MM is meant to be EDC, and EODU (every other day used)... so consider that in your argument... is there a use regime that mates MM and alkaline?

I've been considering the concept of NiMH vs LiON.. and in my mind.. if you have to recharge it anyhow.. what's the point of including NiMH into the foray? there are a lot of people out there that have NiMH chargers but MOST of them won't charge AAAs.. so it starts getting into a very vertical market.. somebody that AAA NiMHs have any significant advantage.

The cold hard facts are these:

Alkaline AAA can be expected to cough up about 1/2WH
NimH AAA can put out just .9WH
LiON AAA can put out 1.1WH w/o blinking..

however.. a flat-pack LiON in the same space of (4) AAAs has 1800mAH capacity compared to the 1200mAH of four individual cells.. in addition... they cost about 1/8th the cost total.. since you only need one and they cost 1/2 the price... they can also output easily 6WH or more of power..

consider than.. that (4) NiMH rechargeables can output 3.6WH compared to 6WH of a flat pack LiON that costs less and holds a charge better... there really is very little argument toward that solution, especially considering that with NiMH 'byob' (bring your own batts) solution... you have to take the batts out to charge vs just plug in the light just like just about everybody on EARTH now is accustomed to do with their cellphone.

I will be ordering the parts to make the switch this week whoo hoo.. i did a test with some old computer parts to make sure the prototype controller will work and it kiccckkkss buttt... holy cow.. i found a 'miracle pill' device to control the thing with off-the-shelf parts.. just what makes it so cool is still under wraps but let's just say that i wanted 'instant control' in a creative way that doesn't exist on any flashlight.. and 'more than a couple' levels of brightness with no cumbersome method to get to them.

consider that the light is 1 3/4 wide and 3 2/3 long by 1/2 thick... and try to imagine getting a workable controlling solution into that space w/o any of the hang ups of the current lights out there.. i think a few of you out there will do that classic 'duh' (hitting forehead) when you see it.

back to nanoland see you again soon.
