7w Lux \'Minimighty\' Tasklight Update-Part 2
cool.. time to start clean..
these are the latest images of the Minimighty..
Summary of the light: 7W 2 emitter LiON powered light.. charger built right in.. with the 'bighead' i expect close to 3000lux.. with the smallhead.. outputting 120 or so lumens and about 500 lux (but with tremendous amount of spill).
(extimates.. i'll have a test bed built soon to measure actual lux)..
I just moments ago made a model in black that i liked enough to share:
and.. for those curious about the possibility of 2xAAA version it's coming too:
I will make a 'bighead' for the micromighty as well.. i would expect to get around 1200+lux.
though the images are blue.. the plan is for the prototypes they will be 'black chrome' bodies and gold plated heatsink and clip... black doesn't work well for modeling and i like blue/gold, so i use that for modeling.
Size: it's 1/2 x 1 3/4 x 3 9/16 inches.. with the bighead on.. height goes to 4 inches long.. and the head is 2 1/4 x 1 inch.
a comparison to some other lights for size: CMG and my favorite muse.. the VIP
I hope to order the prototypes within about a month.