9mm PR flange LED Bulb, 3V...Ideas!?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 20, 2002
I bought a 3 LED cluster bulb from LEDTronics of the 3V variety to try in a 2D cell mag...as you can tell, I'm new to this. It's completely ineffective in the mag! Question is this: I have a tap-light that I want to try it in, but it's a 6V light (4AA). What can I use for a "dummy" AA battery to drop the voltage down to 4.5V so I don't fry the bulb? I read somewhere (I think in Craig's site) that a 3V LED bulb will actually live up to it's potential better with 4+ volts without damaging it. Is this accurate? Somebody help out a "newbie" before I end up flushing $18.00!!!


Try hooking up to a multimeter and measuring the current flow. I imagine the leds are in parallel. See what it takes to get 20 to 25 mA through each led. That would be 60 to 75 mA for all three together.

Try aluminum foil in a paper tube for a dummy battery.
Do you have an C NiCads? They can be used in the 2D light & should drive the lamp pretty good. I don't know if it'll live long & 4.5V. Although, I'm not sure what they do to these to make them 3V. The standard LED I believe is designed to run at 3.6 to 4V. It should work ok @ 4.5v pre-load. TX
I have one of the 3 led bulbs you speak of...there is no step-up and the performance with 2 cells is sad. I almost returned it...but it found a home in my 3 "D" Maglight. Works fine...although a little blue do to the slight overdriving. You might try taping both ends of an AA batt...then wrapping foil around it to make a quick dummy batt.
Thanx for the responses, y'all! I just became a CPF member today, and have already had 3 questions/problems solved. GREAT site with great info!!! I'm addicted...and it ain't gettin' no better!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PJD:
I'm addicted...and it ain't gettin' no better!!!
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Actually, the "addiction" does get better. It doesn't get less, but it gets better (it's all a matter of prespective
) TX
Thanx for the "how-to" on the dummy battery...worked great! A taplight isn't initially what I had in mind for the bulb in question...but it's better than letting it turn into a $18.00 dust collector! Thanx again...
