"a flashlight is a $2 thing...."


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2004
Brooklyn NY
\"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

exact words uttered by my dad when he found out that my mag mod cost $50. he can't believe I spent so much and kept giving me hell about wasting my money...
::sigh... I guess I should start doing drugs then...
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

Don't do drugs, cuz then you won't have anymore money to buy flashlights! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Not everyone will understand anything someone else does, right! Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

When people tell me I waste money on flashlight, I tell them to look over and blind them with my 3 Lux3 mod! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin07.gif
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

Hit the breaker box without him noticing. Let him wonder about the sudden power loss for a while and then offer him your new Mag. He'll sign up here in no time!
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

HA HA... My dad is over that... after purchasing the G2.. it was over..

" Hey dad nice light.. (snicker snicker)" as he uses his maglite..

Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

Remind him of that when the car breaks in the middle of nowhere and he has to fix it in the dark with a $2 light and a $6 socket set. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/poke2.gif

Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

lol my dad wont spend 2 bucks on a light .he will find one for 10 cents. i gave him one of the county comm heavy duty 1 dollor ligghts i was thinking he will put it some where and enever use it i was so suprised when i saw it on his keychain .me and my family are complete opsistes.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

A reaction like that is something that most flashaholics will have to live with, unfortunately. I think the "average consumer" would balk at spending more than $20 for a flashlight. That is just how it is.

CPFers are flashlight connoisseurs, our mindset towards flashlights is different from that of the average consumer. I sort of liken it to a person's attitude towards a car. For many, it is just something to get them and their stuff from point A to point B. For a car connoisseur, however, a car is something that they will invest in to buy the best of the best, or they buy a "decent" car with the plans of modifying the heck out of it.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

One way to win peoples hearts over lights is to give them a good one as a present. When they get used to using it they will wonder why they went so long without one. I gave my aunt a dorcy AAA led light and once she used it she uses it all the time now. Start em out on the cheaper lights and work them up to the better ones.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

GarageBoy said:
exact words uttered by my dad when he found out that my mag mod cost $50. he can't believe I spent so much and kept giving me hell about wasting my money...

[/ QUOTE ]

Fight fire with fire:
"You get what you pay for - $2 lights are low quality and unreliable."
"I didn't buy a fancy designer label - the cost of this light is because of it's high performance. You pay for performance."
It's better if you can find something he said in the past that's relevant. I'm a dad, and I *hate* it when my kids do that to me, because it's hard to argue with myself. "But Dad, don't you always say..."

If that doesn't work, tell him it's a hobby, and it's no sillier than any of his hobbies. (Not that your Dad will ever think that any of his hobbies are silly. It helps if he has a hobby that is actually somewhat silly, like golf. The number of money-wasting golf products is near infinite, I believe. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif)

Whatever your Dad's peculiar opinions are, try to appeal to them. Example - some folks prefer products made here in the USA, if your Dad is one of those, point out to him that Mag's are built in the USA, unlike his cheap $2 light.

Or you can use the time-honored, traditional method that sons have used with their fathers, and just ignore him. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Best of luck!
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

the ironic part. he's a camera and audio connosieur. he blows thousands on speakers periodically. his hand tools are top notch too. the crappiest tools in the house are craftsman.

even so, he thought me spending more than $2 on a flashlight and $10 on a knife is ridiculous.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

"give them a good one as a present. . . ."

Exactly what I was thinking. Father's Day: "The first one's free." /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

To give your dad the benefit of the doubt (easy for me because I'm probably older than he is...), maybe what he's saying is that if you can concentrate on "serious" preparation for your future, e.g. school, academic learning, etc., then you will grow up to be successful, in which case you can pursue even the most extravagant form of your hobbies (think a complete set of future Lionheart VIII's in selected colors with nuclear isotope power cells /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif )with your pocket change because you will be successful and rolling in money. I know this is no consolation now, just a possible explanation for him.

On a more practical note, perhaps you can suggest having a hobby budget which you both can agree on, and then manage your flashaholism within that budget. That's frustrating for a while, but it can still be mentally fun to try to get the most out of a fixed toy budget. Maybe you can make little mods and sell them to your friends, or something.

I suspect that if you showed some business sense because of this, your dad would at least be secretly pleased, because that will be useful for your whole life.

If it's any consolation, parental concern (love?) is often hard, both on the giving and on the getting end.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

his toy budget for me...$0...he'll only buy things himself that he sees i need. oh well...
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

While I'm pretty sure my dad thinks I'm insane for spending so much on lights, he at least sees the point of a quality item. While he did almost fall over when I told him he was holding a 180 dollar light, he sure had a hard time giving it back after he saw the light that came out of it.

Now when my mom came into my room and saw a shelf of lights and asked how much and I replied "Well..... 125, 150, 80, Oh that ones cheap only 40...." she turned pretty white and left.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

see, unfortunately, i don't have the cash either, otherwise i'd get him a streamlight jr luxeon. that's why i was trying to sell the mag earlier, but that's gonna go to a friend, who i owe favors for.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

MrBenchmark said:
Or you can use the time-honored, traditional method that sons have used with their fathers, and just ignore him. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't disregard this one GB. It's a very valuable method /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

I have had, my dad, and 2 freinds, make fun of me so bad, ... for a couple weeks, till they had a chance to use some of my lights.
Now they all bough at least one $20 light, and my Dad bought an Arc LS. lol

They cant resist, they will come to the light side.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

i brought it up. he said, so what, all i care is a light that works.
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

GarageBoy's father said:
a flashlight is a $2 thing....

[/ QUOTE ]

I bet your dad has a sweet 8-track collection, and a Members Only jacket too!
Re: \"a flashlight is a $2 thing....\"

Kias are only $5999 new...why do I drive a $40k Tahoe? Because it gets the job done better, faster, and with more comfort and style. Show him some of the HID lights and that Mag looks like a bargain...