A good EDC (sort of) light?

I came to the light...

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2007
I'm looking for a 2xCR123A light for general use. no longer than around 6 inches, and smaller is better.

Im interested in lights with more throw, although they should also have good spill to navigate.

Any suggestions? Right now im looking at the Fenix P3D Premium Q5 and the Regalight WT1. I'd especially appreciate opinions on the Regalight, as it seems very sturdy and bright with good regulation, but is not getting outstanding reviews...
Also look at the Olight T20 Q5. Between the size of the P3D and Regalight.

What do you need the light for?


Thanks for helping me :grin2:

Pretty much everything... so it has to have a low mode and good throw as well as useful spill.

I've been looking at that Olight a bit too, and the new reflector seems great, but the light doesn't seem as reliable or sturdy, and I didn't find any runtime graphs for it (I value regulation so much that they are a must...)

I've also seen the M1-R and Dereelight, both of which seemed similar to and not as good as the Regalight. The Fenix is a whole other category...
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The T20 should be better built then the P3D. It has a thicker body and seems to have better grip then the P3D. It is regulated on every single level, like pretty much every light around that price range and regualtion is similar to the P3D's regualtion.

The P3D might be better for EDC because it is slightly smaller than the Olight. But the Olight has more throw, beamshot comparison in this review(well, it was a P3D-Rebel 100, the Q5 is not that much brighter).

The Regalight just came out so no long term options yet. It seems to be similar quality wise to Dereelight, Tiablo, and Lumapower. But the Regalight has a much better shape then the other lights.

Sidespill should be no problem with these lights.

Pick which ever light you like the best.
Thanks for the suggestions. :grin2:

The Olight does seem to be everything that you say, except that the only runtime graph i can find on it shows that while the output is flat, it is regulated at around 80% of its maximum output, whereas the Regalight and Fenix are in the 90% range.

The Fenix seems the best to me right now, but I really would like a brighter hotspot...
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