a hybrid light


Mar 25, 2001
Hi folks!

I have a sure fire 9N which has a regular incandescent 140 and 20 lumen bulb in the same reflector. I would like to replace the 20 lumen bulb with a white LED. The size and voltage matches the 9N well.

My question, can LED's take the heat the 140 gives off, or will it melt or not function?

Thanks, Joey L

What is the voltage of the 20 Lumen socket?
If it's 9 volts, you will have to resistor it orun 2 LEDs in series (possibly 3).

3 to 4.5 volts is the range for a Nichia.

The heat shouldn't be a problem unless you are running both bulbs together. If the LED is OFF, it should be fine with the heat. Also depends on how close together they are.
However, wait till a few others chime in before taking my word for it.

Depending on the space available, you may be able to put in more than 1 LED. This would give you enough light to make it your primary bulb. Save the "Big dog" for when you need to blast something with light.

Well, I just went and looked at the 9N's lamp assembly. That is really close together! May have to retract my previos thoughts. I don't know if an Led can take THAT MUCH heat even if it's off.

Sorry. Better wait and see what other think.

Thanks for the input. It looks like the led edge will be about 10 mm or less from the xenon lamp.

The voltage of both regular lamps is 3.6 to 3.75 depending on the charge of the nicad battery. I think the issue would be whether the material of the LED is plastic or a heat resistant epoxy. I just might try it anyway.
It also depends on how you use the light. I would think if you use it for 3 min or less it wouldn't get hot enough to melt the LED. So that will play in to it a lot. It is always worth a shot.
