A non SMT white LED or Luxeon Driver Circuit

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Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2002
Central NY
Could someone suggest or point to a link of a very effective non-SMT white of Luxeon LED driver circuit for 1-4 NiMh AA batteries (Vin around 1-5 volt (Iout from 20-350mA)(and how to build, if there is one.)?

I just would like to play with it to get familiar with the circuit before I make an SMT version one.

Thanks for any input,


Look around in my notebook at the above address. This is my CPF circuit collection. There are three circuits you can make with transistors and all my max757 notes are there.

All big parts that are easy to solder. I think it's a useful set. Several CPF people helped me figure it out. I'll try to link it to my profile or message signature for reference.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ake:
Could someone suggest or point to a link of a very effective non-SMT white of Luxeon LED driver circuit for 1-4 NiMh AA batteries (Vin around 1-5 volt (Iout from 20-350mA)(and how to build, if there is one.)?

I just would like to play with it to get familiar with the circuit before I make an SMT version one.

Thanks for any input,


If you're running a single LED, note that your circuit will have to step up and down. Which usually will require two inductors, or a double one.

That said, you can look at the Linear Technology LT1512, which comes in a 8-pin DIP package and provides step up/down performance up to an amp or so. It provides constant current regulation, which is nice to have. But it only works down to 2.4V.

Actually, most boost converters can be wired up in a SEPIC configuration, though you may have to jump through some hoops go get good current regulation.
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