A Paranormal Thread


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
That whole chapter of Leviticus 20 is some good reading, but Luke also is good. People are people no matter what they are and IMHO it is alright to respect them as a person. In the case of mediums and such the like though, don't ask them to tell you stuff that would go beyond what they naturally know as a person like yourself. Don't except any gifts that are part of their practice.

You are welcome to edit or erase anything Empath that you feel like would offend here. We are a society of offended triggered people nowadays......God help us.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
As a disclaimer, if I insinuated that the activity I experienced is the spirit of my dead wife I apologise. It could be a dark spirit trying to get an advantage on me by getting me to talk to it and interact with it. Be careful with "ghosts" because you really don't know what they are and don't trust your feelings either because feelings are shallow and can be controlled by outside forces. I know I made yall all warm and fuzzy on the subject and yall was liking it, but Chauncy helped me to get serious on the subject from which I had fallen from in the past. Most spirits are dangerous and don't need to be trifled with and don't follow a wil of whisp says the people of long ago. Most that follow go missing and are not found.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
I was just on there again about a half hour ago. Shawn is doing a near death experience show and that is his subject line tonight. I had a few stories on the subject, but I wasn't on there for long. I mentioned cpf a few times.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
This is old news now, but there is a new twist to the original LBL (land between the lakes) story that has established for years. It is told from a first hand witness/surviver named Roger. I listened to the interviews from the youtube podcasts paranormal round table and cryptid studies institute and he has been vetted and raked over the coals and he has never wavered. I believe him--yet I also believe Jan Thompson who told the original story. Roger claims to have been there and Jan interviewed people. She didn't chase the story at first--it dropped in her lap. The differences in the two stories is interesting. To get the original story just google Jan Thompson LBL. This is known and famous in the cryptid community for those who dig beneith the surface of information. Search engines don't easily volunteer this info unless you specifically ask for it. I believe something happened and a family was brutally murdered although the two slightly different stories are confusing, but they both have that same foundation I just mentioned. It's like a cryptid mystery.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
Well, the call in show is about the paranormal and what I'm talking about is under that heading. I shared my beliefs with Chauncy G. in a pm, but it might be too much for the forum. I guess yall aint interested in the topic anymore, so I'm not going to waste my time writing stuff for no one to read. I think this is becoming like the Vehicle modding and restoration thread.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2020
Much of the nuts and bolts of this paranormal stuff is very well understood, and no mystery. C.W Leadbeater audiobook (on YouTube) "The Astral Plane" explains a big slice of it. The medium spiritist movement was started on purpose, from the spiritual side, and the first batch of mediums were genuine. It was an experiment that went awry. It was found that the practice harmed both the mediums and the human spirits who were hanging around.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
Much of the nuts and bolts of this paranormal stuff is very well understood, and no mystery. C.W Leadbeater audiobook (on YouTube) "The Astral Plane" explains a big slice of it. The medium spiritist movement was started on purpose, from the spiritual side, and the first batch of mediums were genuine. It was an experiment that went awry. It was found that the practice harmed both the mediums and the human spirits who were hanging around.
I didn't know anything about that....interesting though. Looks like you have some sure enough knowledge on the subject. Thanks for sharing--share more if you want to


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2020
I didn't know anything about that....interesting though. Looks like you have some sure enough knowledge on the subject. Thanks for sharing--share more if you want to
Sure. Been studying this field since I was very young, around 13 or so. Started getting it figured out around 35... I've proven it to myself several times, the reality of a spiritual plane, if you will, that underlies our apparent phyiscal plane.

All supernatural phenomena can be understood as activity on higher (or deeper) planes, or dimensions, bleeding through. All part and parcel of the natural order. Certain very gifted seers have written much about this, Blavatskey and Steiner being the big two, in the west, in the late 19'th and early 20th century. Edgar Cayce in America. More recently the books Seth Speaks and The Law Of One kind of refresh the ideas.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South
I know I've posted essentially the following before, but we keep running into posters that believe they have supernatural powers...

There's REAL money available for these folks to prove what they 100% believe. They just have to take advantage of said powers to get the money.

Why talk about it here on CPF when one could just go prove their supernatural abilities?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2020
Very hard to prove this kind of thing. It's not in the same ballpark as repeatable, empirical science, doesn't make any sense to people who are used to thinking in those terms...it's somewhat comparable to dreaming: you remember you dreamed last night, but you cannot prove to anyone that you did dream.

Interpersonal, objective experiences, like telepathy, shared visions, mental induction etc, generally either happen between people who are already in sympathetic relation. If, in neutral, or antagonistic relation, the shared contact is usually so fleeting and unexpected that the antagonistic party is able to convince his/her self that it was a mental glitch, or just suppress the memory completely.

It doesn't matter though. People believe whatever they need or want. And there are plenty of charletans around to reinforce the convictions of others, either for or against...a true psychic could (maybe) prove to a sceptic, by forcibly interfering with said sceptic's thoughts, or something along those lines, but that would be a violation of free will and highly immoral. If a person does not want to open their mind to spiritual things, they must not be forced to. It's a catch 22...Which also sounds like a cop-out, understandably. Which is another catch 22! To summarise: one cannot see the proof until one has released the desire for the thing to not be true.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 1, 2006
North of the South

"Rather than prove my supernatural abilities AND get paid for doing so AND make people see the truth, I'd rather keep this to myself and those in the know."

And btw, proving you dream and proving you can contact dead people is most definitely NOT the same thing. Let's not be dishonest about apples and oranges...


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I still aint figured out if I dream in color or not, much less how to prove I danced the cha cha with the spirit Phyliis Diller one fine evening in Chicago. The best part? I don't dance and have never been to Chicago, so did it really happen? Beats me so until now I've just kept it to myself.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
Yall please fess up if you have seen an abnormally large dog or wolf--like big as a full grown cow. I never saw one....wait, what was that--what crossed the road in front of me several years back at those abandoned mines I worked at. It was stretched out and was as long as the road was wide. It sailed across without touching the road.

Now to be fair, the road was a dirt road able to almost accomidate two vehicle maybe--better yet 1 1/2 vehicles. It was almost a blur. Folks out there have been seeing something like this and I got a glimsp at it.

It has been told that hitler experimented geneticly with stuff to try to bring into existance a supersoldier type of being. The program continued under operation paper clip when some nazi scientists were brought back to the states after ww2. It has been told that it has been perfected and a breeding program was developed in the early 50s. Not saying any of this is true.....,but what if it is?--kinda gives someone with an open mind something to think about considering all the missing 411's and recent animal attacks on people.

It has been told that the admistration back in 2008 let these trained and chipped things loose to fend for themselves since tax dollars were going to feed and take care of them. Thousands were let loose.

It has been told that a little under 300 can eradicate 3000 advancing rival foot soldiers in around two and a half hours.

Bad thing though is since they have a pack mentality, wild ones can corrupt the trained ones and turn them bad.

Not saying these things exist, but if they do--it has been told to not look them in the eye. The one you see isn't the one you need to worry about since they are ambush creatures. Don't run--walk away backwards if you can and don't shoot them. They are hard to kill and you just might live if you don't anger them. Usually praying and speaking a certain name will make them leave you alone. I was told that someone tried to pass a law concerning making it illegal to make chimeras (sp?) In this country, but it was voted down in the senate. It has been told that this is a CIA program. It has been told that private interests have been producing these chimera all over the world and there are more monsters out there than just over large k-nines and something with big feet, but what do I know? I hear stuff, but you know what they say about what you hear and see. As one of the Smother brothers said in the early 70s as far as "they say"...who are they??

We all know that monsters don't really exist though right? So stay safe and look under your bed before you go to sleep tonight and as Vault says-- sweet nightmares lol.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2015
Yall please fess up if you have seen an abnormally large dog or wolf--like big as a full grown cow. I never saw one....wait, what was that--what crossed the road in front of me several years back at those abandoned mines I worked at. It was stretched out and was as long as the road was wide. It sailed across without touching the road.

Now to be fair, the road was a dirt road able to almost accomidate two vehicle maybe--better yet 1 1/2 vehicles. It was almost a blur. Folks out there have been seeing something like this and I got a glimsp at it.

It has been told that hitler experimented geneticly with stuff to try to bring into existance a supersoldier type of being. The program continued under operation paper clip when some nazi scientists were brought back to the states after ww2. It has been told that it has been perfected and a breeding program was developed in the early 50s. Not saying any of this is true.....,but what if it is?--kinda gives someone with an open mind something to think about considering all the missing 411's and recent animal attacks on people.

It has been told that the admistration back in 2008 let these trained and chipped things loose to fend for themselves since tax dollars were going to feed and take care of them. Thousands were let loose.

It has been told that a little under 300 can eradicate 3000 advancing rival foot soldiers in around two and a half hours.

Bad thing though is since they have a pack mentality, wild ones can corrupt the trained ones and turn them bad.

Not saying these things exist, but if they do--it has been told to not look them in the eye. The one you see isn't the one you need to worry about since they are ambush creatures. Don't run--walk away backwards if you can and don't shoot them. They are hard to kill and you just might live if you don't anger them. Usually praying and speaking a certain name will make them leave you alone. I was told that someone tried to pass a law concerning making it illegal to make chimeras (sp?) In this country, but it was voted down in the senate. It has been told that this is a CIA program. It has been told that private interests have been producing these chimera all over the world and there are more monsters out there than just over large k-nines and something with big feet, but what do I know? I hear stuff, but you know what they say about what you hear and see. As one of the Smother brothers said in the early 70s as far as "they say"...who are they??

We all know that monsters don't really exist though right? So stay safe and look under your bed before you go to sleep tonight and as Vault says-- sweet nightmares lol.
You should be a screen writer GPM - if you ever make that movie, I'd totally watch it!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017
What I just shared above happened in 1948 in Taylor Mississippi near Sardis lake. Vault has property out there for research. There are some native american burial grounds nearby. This is what stirred up the creatures-- who in the past didn't much bother anyone and stayed in their place deep in the woods. Before it became Lockett ranch it belonged to a tribe of indians.

Dark waters at the time did the story, but thought that these walking wolves were a bunch of bull until he had his encounter at Sardis lake. DW froze up and didn't get in the truck soon enough, so he got left for a few minutes. The driver of the truck came back soon enough and DW got in this time. Now he don't care to go anywhere near the woods. He's content to stay in the city.

Don't go out there looking for these things because the law is hot out there because of this and if they can't legally get something on you they will find something that will be good enough to at least put you in jail overnight. A rookie cop even pulled Vault over and he has land out there. Vault said that because of a group of crypid hunters callblasting out there a husband and wife were extracted from their home by one or two of these creatures and murdered.

I wish Vault was on here--I invited him to the forum. I looked for the article online about this incident, but didn't find anything. Maybe he could find it and post a link.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2017

Vault of nightmares 2.0-- I called in at the 3:11:25 mark. He is going to put up one of my pictures along with many more that was sent to him in a contiplation near Christmas.