AAA Arc-Attempt to change members opinions


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2000
As you all know we have decided to make the Arc AAA our official candle power led light.

The color chosen appears to be blue HA.

However, this color was chosen while I have been working on my home...I did not have a chance to badger the group with my opinion that it should be gold HA...I would like to correct this horrible oversite.

It`s not to late...let`s get it right! GOLD!

We are class act flashaholics...GOLD!!

Vote for classey gold. It will impress that lovely lady you`ve been wanting to ask out

My wife would kill me for asking her out.

I've picked out a heavy, solid sterling silver chain for the BLue Arc since I believe gold would not match it.
However, a gold ARC AAA with a Gold chain would make a nice anniversary gift for my beloved. A nice silk pouch would go nice with it. ...did I just say that?! yech! ...boy, I am gettin' melancholy.

Count me in for a gold 3rd edition.
When I was a kid, I had a Marantz stereo boombox that was gold, and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen.

I'd sure like to know what happened to nice to have it back.

Anyway, my vote for a blue Member's Edition LS still stands; though I'd support a future version in gold.
Well, perhaps my suggestion that it will impress a sexy lady is sexy lady would be interested in me...even with a gold Arc.

But, I would lke to present our elite members with gold watches...see, you got excited...I would like to present our members with blue watches...see, one cares. Anybody think gold is better than blue besides me?

Ken B, if you really want to impress the lovely ladies, gold might not cut it. You need to add some stones to the in diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, etc. Now that should get some "oohs and ahs," but you'll probably never see that light again.

Seriously though, a gold Arc does sound appealing, but I expect to buy one no matter what the color. Actually, I would like to get two lights--one to carry everyday, and one to keep in mint condition.
yes, I asked for the arc many months ago in gold, but it would have to be more expensive wouldn't it?, I mean, you don't want a thin plating that'll wear off too quickly ... and how about silver? would take a nice patina in the pocket.. or brass? or how about stainless steel??
Personally, I`d prefer blue. I doubt that hard-anodise could be made in shiny gold, it would probably come out more like a muddy yellow/brown- and to have each one plated would send the cost through the roof (not to mention it wouldn`t be as tough or long lasting).

But let`s see what the "masses" think, I have just set up an online vote form, just for a bit of fun you see, so we can gather the general opinion of all CPF members. Vote now, it won`t take more than a minute.

<center><font face="Impact, Arial Black, Arial" size="5">POLL CLOSED- please see Page 3</font>

Have fun, but please don`t try to rig the vote. The software should only allow one vote per person per day but don`t go voting day after day or the last hour I spent setting that up will become even more meaningless than it does already. One each should do, thanks

If you have problems with it, then your browser probably can`t handle JavaScript (maybe it`s time for an upgrade?)- in which case let me know your vote and I`ll see if I can place it for you.

Gaaaaaah! "Stop the madness!" (to quote a friend and former student of mine who is now a clinical psychologist)

How in the world do you expect our beleaguered Peter Gransee to ever produce anything if we keep changing the specifications on him?!?! Let the specs stay in one form long enough for him to actually produce something, will you? The more changes we beg for, the longer we have to wait to get whatever is finally decided upon.

[steps down off soapbox]

I apologize for the rant. We've been going through this at work, too, where the users have, right before go-live, suddenly decided that what they asked for, what they agreed to, what they actually signed acceptance of, isn't *really* what they want. Naturally, our bosses tell us we have to give it to them, by the same deadline, with no errors.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>or how about stainless steel??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> you're talkin'!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ted the Led:
or how about stainless steel??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Stainless steel?
That's what they make dishwashers, commercial fridges, jail toliets, and leg braces out of.

My vote for blue stands pat.
Dare I stick my head into this thread?

Your right, gold anodize comes out kinda brownish and looks like it belongs in a bowling alley or some 70's store.

Gold plate on the other hand, although nice and shiny, wears very easily.

The 4 most popular anodize colors are black, red, blue and silver.

Peter and all- you may be interested to know that I finally finished the online polling thingy-whatsit. Scroll up to my other post up there, you`ll see the link to the form pretty clearly.

BTW out of interest, is "Impact" a Windows standard typeface? I`ve got about 400+ of the damn things in this machine which I`ve accumulated over the years, so many that I`ve forgotten which ones it came with originally.

Pure Titanium. No finish. (Yeah - yeah... I know thats not gonna happen
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mad_scientist:
Pure Titanium. No finish. (Yeah - yeah... I know thats not gonna happen

How about something *really* exotic, like an osmium-palladium alloy, plated with something shiny like rhenium and fitted with a strontium-titanate lens?

Of course, you could always do a blue anodize, and I'll be perfectly content with that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stingmon:
[QB]...... and fitted with a strontium-titanate lens?

What's that - and do you have a link for more info if it's a real lens material ?

I voted dark blue. Of course, you may be accused of 'fixing' the vote by the order fo the candidates, and I was afraid I left a 'hanging chad' when I voted.

(We yanks are a bit sensitive to that sort of thing these days)