AAA EDC Keychain Light


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2010
Looking for what the title says. A small keychain light with good battery life, and decent brightness. I want it to have a clicky on and not twist. Any suggestions of lights like this?
although they are not clickly maybe a ARC AAA or Fenix E01? the only clicky I can think of is the Preon 1, I have the Preon 2 and ARC-P AAA both great lights
Not being funny but this question has been asked hundreds of times before,select search and you will have pages and pages of answers.:welcome:
ive read about the maratac aaa as well and was wondering if anyone has more info on that particular light?
Not a clicky, but I use an ITP A3 twisty. NowI am no expert on lights compared to the folks here, but in my vast amount of years on the planet, I have found that the smaller you make something, the greater the chance of malfunction...seems like a tiny clicky switch would fall into that category....I am also basing this observation on my knowledge of firearms...where the smaller you make an auto, the less reliable it its...:)
Here you are,thought we had a mod put this on a few days ago.

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... and there are hundreds more like that
There must be literally thousands of posts related to this topic, and there's probably not a single Flashaholic who hasn't expressed an opinion or recommendation. Be sure to explore the sub-forums.
Personally I am all about the Arc-AAA for the keychain. Dead reliable, dead simple, and good amount of runtime/output.
One place to start is my website, it has beamshots and photos of many AAA light. There are also review of some of them, but most of the reviews are in Danish and has to be read with google translate.

For a clicky AAA I would suggest to look at Preon, Lumapower Avenger GX or my favorite: LiteFlux LF2XT.
Indeed, if there's an specialist on AAA lights this is HKJ...
I'll suggest spending a time on his website. Valuable info there. Not to mention their
wonderful photos. :eek:

BTW, mcnair has pointed out a great selection of AAA flashlights threads... ;)

hint hint nudge nudge puuurrrrttttyyyplllzzzz Carrot?! :D

What about a picture (I believe it is the 60 degree version):
