Chris M.
Flashlight Enthusiast
You`ll have a bit of bother there- most modern LEDs operate from about 1.8-2 volts minimum- for GaAlAs (red, orange, yellow) and from about 3.5-3.6 volts GaN (white, blue, green, etc). Some old, and I mean old, red ones will glow on a 1.5 volt cell but even at their rated operating current/voltage they are very dim by todays standards, so useless for flashlight purposes.
I don`t know of any bright LED made today that will operate on 1.5 volts directly. I think you`re stuck with the bulb, I`m afraid.
I don`t know of any bright LED made today that will operate on 1.5 volts directly. I think you`re stuck with the bulb, I`m afraid.