AC-130 20 Kilowatt searchlight


Newly Enlightened
Jun 5, 2004
I am watching a show on the military channel talking about the development of the AC-130 Spectre gunship and it said in the begining it had a 20 kilowatt searchlight that could light up vast search areas, they showed a clip of someone holding something that looked like it might have been a folded up newspaper, infront of the light while the plane was on the ground and it literaly set the thing on fire!! Anyone know about this?

Pretty kewl stuff...that would not suprise me since xenon lamps put out tons of IR along with the visible lumens

I saw a demo from Harold "Doc" Edgerton who invented the strobe light, he used a WWII strobe used for nightime recon photography over germany and he held a sheet of newspaper with tongs in front of the lamp and "poof" it burst into flame when he triggered it
I've got a floodlight from a fire truck that will do something similar /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
sweet light nonetheless..

how bout two on the front of your car?

Those arent high beams! ..THESE ARE HIGH BEAMS!...hehe
Yeah, Ive seen demostrations like that. Ive oftened wondered what if they use a magnifier glass and held a phone book in front of the light if it would burn a hole thrugh it.
The nightsun and similar xenon arc searchlights designed for helicopters are supposed to be able to melt asphalt and start grass fires if turned on on the ground. The power supply/ballast is more complicated than just a battery since you need voltage and current regulation not not mention a powerful igniter, but I'd bet a hefty car booster pack would provide enough current. I am mulling over this problem myself since I have a couple of similar lamp modules and the insane idea of creating the ultimate flashlight.

I know that some of the handheld spots the fire department uses will set the seats of an ambulance on fire if they're too close. .