Adjustable focus for Mag lights...Useless?


Jan 7, 2005
I have not been impressed with the adjustable focus feature of any Mag lights I've ever owned. It seemed like a waste of good photons, with that big hole at the "flood" setting, and I end up using the "throw" end of the adjustment. I'd like to do away with the adjustable beam, and just concentrate on throw in my new 3D/Luxeon mod. Does anyone make a good replacement reflector that will maximize throw, have useable sidespill that I can use in my new creation? Light orange peel would be nice. Is there a way to modify the original reflector? Like I say, adjustment doesn't have to be an option. Thanks.
Um, er, well, if you are using a Luxeon, won't it have good sidespill regardless? Try without too much modding, since I suspect you may not be impressed with the throw and thus any sputtering will just reduce that even more.

Sputtered reflectors are good for incans, but with LEDs it may not be needed.

On the other hand, maybe I read your post wrong and you don't like the original reflector even with the LED. You can't get a better throwing reflector than the one that comes with the Mag (unless you get one of the larger Carley reflector$). Last Mag I used was so well focused that I could even see the filament in the beam (again, a case for sputtering, but that reduces throw, which is what it sounds like you were looking for).
cheesehead said:
Um, er, well, if you are using a Luxeon, won't it have good sidespill regardless? (again, a case for sputtering, but that reduces throw, which is what it sounds like you were looking for).

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Hmmmm...I didn't know that LEDs had more sidespill. What I would like is a throwbeast like some of the other posters brag about, only on a more modest level. If it equals the throw of my present Mag, I will be satisfied. Don't know if it is possible at all, at all, but that is where I'd like to go, at least for now. If the original reflector is that good, maybe I'll just set it and not mess with it. Or try a little bit of this and that, to see what happens.
I think you'll find that most of us flashaholics don't use the focusing feature. Instead we set tightest focus and try to lock it in place.

That said, I'm after Medium Orange Peel reflectors for my Superbulb mods!
Yeah, Joe, that is one of the problems with being a total noob. I have LOTS to learn. I didn't flunk out of electronics tech school for nothing, you know. 8 months of studying by flashlight under the covers after lights out, and I still didn't understand it. I do remember what an Ohm is, tho. An ohm is an English 'ouse! I guess you had to be there...oh, well, never mind.
mod it with a luxeon III, focus to tighest focus, and you'll have a pure white beam that will shine farther than the stock mag and will have plenty of sidespill and have a smoother beam without doing any sputtering too.
Yeah... my bad. I didn't notice that he was referring specifically to Lux mods. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
or.. put in some IMS 20s.. 3 of them will make a mind-blowing beam.. there is a post with a most excellent 3-up mag mod.

andrewwynn said:
or.. put in some IMS 20s..

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O.K, I'll bite: what's an IMS 20? I think I saw that post--the light that looks like the business end of a Saturn III rocket? Yesssss!

Isaac: Thanks for the info.
Sniper, No problem. IMS (cadresearch) brand reflectors. PhotonFanatic Sells them. they are 20mm in dia. They are made for luxeons.
Hello Sniper,

If you are talking about the focus adjustment of Mag C and D lights, I agree completely. I always end up with a hole in the middle of the flood beam.

However, the AAA and AA Mini Mags are a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I believe an AA Mini Mag can be greatly improved by dropping a sandwich in it, however I still keep a 1980's vintage AA Mini Mag un-modded. This light has a very smooth flood beam. It is not very bright, but I have used it in low light situations and am still impressed with the smoothness of the flood beam. Now if the color was a bit less yellow...

To get to the best spot (which depends a lot on lamp centering), I unscrew the head 1/2 turn and fine tune from there. To get to the smooth flood, I unscrew the head 1 1/2 turns. It is not very bright even with new batteries, but it is very smooth. I have used it while camping to find my way around camp, as a general tent light, for reading, etc.

In the 1980's, this ability is what made the Mini Mag a best seller. Of course, LED's can do this better, but I would not say the focus adjustment useless.

Now C and D cell Mag's are a different story...

SilverFox said:
Hello Sniper,

... I always end up with a hole...

Me, too.

...AA Mini Mags are a bit different.

HOW? I get the same characteristic "donut hole" with my '80s vintage Mini Mag,and IMHO, it is a PITA to adjust every time you turn it on.

I like the looks of the Mini, and it has been used, being the only little light I owned in the days BCPF. And I still use it. (this a.m. before daylight).

Somehow, mine must not have got the same word yours did. Smooth beam? HAH! LARGE donut hole, too. Maybe I should buy another , the see if my old one is just put together wrong.

I have an MJLED coming, so we will see what old faithful will do with it.

Now C and D cell Mag's are a different story...

With my 3D, I just do what Isaac said --tighten it down to the best spot I can get, and call it good. I can just light off my Streamlight 3C TT, and go! I tried adjusting the beam, with no results that I could see except the reflector got loose,and the beam got really bad. Anyway , thanks for your experiences.