I think common sense shold dictate what you bring with you, and the knowledge that airport security is operating in pretty full paranoia mode, and not all baggage inspectors are the brightest bulbs on the planet
Keep your flashlights, or torches, basic, relatively small, and non military looking, and you should be OK. I think even a E2 or 6P wouldn't arouse too much suspicion, simply because they are small. But some of the bigger SureFires look a bit menacing to some people, and a 3D cell Maglite would not be a good idea for carry on luggage; it's got way too much potential as a heavy, blunt instrument. Not to mention that you could put enough C-4 in one to bring down any commercial jet. But the bomb in the Lockerby disaster was in a tape recorder, so virtualy any item can house a bomb, and anyone who thinks the airplanes are safer now than before Sept. 11th, at least in the USA, is only fooling themselves.
There *will* be more terrorist attacks in the USA. But in other countries, such as England, and many other countries, that have long lived under threat of terrorist attacts, airport (and government building) security is so much better than in the USA, it makes our security look like a joke.