Airport Security - Carrying Torches?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2001
Salt Lake City
Has anyone recently traveled via airlines -- and can you get a torch through the security checkpoint for carry-on purposes?


I haven't flown anywhere recently, but I doubt a flashlight will be verbotten.
Before you fly I suggest you look in SEARCH under Kogatana to find his "Airport IncidenT" or something to that effect. In his case it was a "suspicious looking" combat style SureFire. Probably an ordinary-looking light would be OK. But even before Sept 11, when I travelled to Canada with a turbohead Surefire in my carryon, along with a UKE SL4, I was stopped, frisked, and my bag searched.

Good luck

I remember when I went on vacation to Hawaii I was stopped at the X-ray machine because I had a nice pair of binoculars and one of those green plastic right-angle military flashlights. I guess the two looked like an explosive device. That light alone could have been mistaken for a pipe bomb.
I think common sense shold dictate what you bring with you, and the knowledge that airport security is operating in pretty full paranoia mode, and not all baggage inspectors are the brightest bulbs on the planet
Keep your flashlights, or torches, basic, relatively small, and non military looking, and you should be OK. I think even a E2 or 6P wouldn't arouse too much suspicion, simply because they are small. But some of the bigger SureFires look a bit menacing to some people, and a 3D cell Maglite would not be a good idea for carry on luggage; it's got way too much potential as a heavy, blunt instrument. Not to mention that you could put enough C-4 in one to bring down any commercial jet. But the bomb in the Lockerby disaster was in a tape recorder, so virtualy any item can house a bomb, and anyone who thinks the airplanes are safer now than before Sept. 11th, at least in the USA, is only fooling themselves.
There *will* be more terrorist attacks in the USA. But in other countries, such as England, and many other countries, that have long lived under threat of terrorist attacts, airport (and government building) security is so much better than in the USA, it makes our security look like a joke.

Good, practical advice, along with some rather sobering observations.

I will be flying quite often this Winter and believe me, I am definitely not feeling enthusiastic about it.

I normally keep my E2 in my pocket and dump it in the change tray such that it goes around the metal detector - most security officers want to see it work and thats the end of it-- one not too bright fellow couldn't figure it out and was looking down the business end trying to understand the extrodinary complexity when he asked how it turned on (he was attempting to twist the head instead of the tail and almost had it apart) - I told him to press the button on the end, which he did while staring into the lens - again not too bright of a fellow.

I *am* glad we are reforming the airport security in this country - too bad they don't have to pass an IQ test as well.

For now I'd be sure you have batteries in all your lights - fresh ones that are nice and bright...
Wow, Koga! I'm definitely impressed.
But aren't you in a special position due to the nature of your work?

Best regards,
The M2 gets put in the coins tray along with some coins, a PhotonII, and wallet.

I do this twice at Dubai and no one even asks what it is.
I have about a billion 123As in my handbaggage - most used, all in little bags.

Landing at Heathrow, and I didn't even have to take my passport out of my pocket - I was waved through. I don't recall going through security after landing at Heathrow.

I didn't have my SAK on me as I used to.

Flying is great. It is safe, cheap, fast.

I'm not floating to the USA (and I'm not taking the long route round by land either!)

I never thought about it until I read this forum. I have travelled by air many times since September 11. I always keep a 2 x AAA penlight in my brief case. It has gone through Xray many many times and never ever been questioned or taken out for inspection.
I can offer some insight on this. I carry my E2 and Scorpion, they always look at them closely. I've even been asked to remove my shoes and cap to have them inspected.
They have confiscated coworkers nail clippers (dangerous weapons, huh?) yet we can go to the magazine shop beyond security and buy new ones.

Make sense? Well, I forgot to mention one small detail. We're the pilots. If we wanted to do something bad, I mean come on, we're driving the darn bus. And lets not forget about the crash axe carried in every airline cockpit. It just shows how crazy things are right now.

So be careful what you bring, because some of these security people are just plain stupid.
Yes, sometimes. I have an E2 with an filter
and a Arc AAA, but the airplane has very good lighting built in. Red has gone the way of a kinda blue/green or bluish white favored in the military and thats what common these days.

My personal airplane has all red cockpit lighting and I find it not as nice as the new colors. It stills work well enough to preserve night vision however. The problem with red is that many navigation charts have red symbols and lettering and they disappear under red lighting.

lol..It really doesn't matter because I keep my eyes closed when landing anyway.

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