alien night-light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
At a thrift shop for $1 or so, I found a string of ten small incan lights with 4" translucent alien bobbles attached, Hallowe'en item by the look of it. I detached one.

From dollar store came a string of ten "micro-dot" multi-colour LEDs which runs from 2AA. String was folded and stuffed into the body through hole at top of the alien's head.

Now I have my very own alien nightlight. To make it complete all it needs is the X-Files theme playing in the background.


At a thrift shop for $1 or so, I found a string of ten small incan lights with 4" translucent alien bobbles attached, Hallowe'en item by the look of it. I detached one.

From dollar store came a string of ten "micro-dot" multi-colour LEDs which runs from 2AA. String was folded and stuffed into the body through hole at top of the alien's head.

Now I have my very own alien nightlight. To make it complete all it needs is the X-Files theme playing in the background.


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for some reason my mind immediately went to Xenomorphs when seeing the topic of this thread, and I was like F YEAH but this is cool as well :D
Yes but does it light up...? :)

To get colour-changing or flickering alien, attach appropriate LED "tea-light" (available at Dollar Tree etc.) or similar to top of alien's head.

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