Alright, so we\'ve all got lots of flashlights..
So how do you store them all, yet still keep them handy?
I just found MY perfect solution!
I was doing my usual "scan" of Walmart's flashlight isle, when I noticed some new "tackle boxes" on the shelf behind me.. These boxes are "single layer", but have the ability for two of them to be "snaped together" bottom to bottom by sliding lugs together on their bottoms. These boxes have horizontal compartments that run from end to end that you can place a divider in at any width in about 2" increments.
Width of the box is sufficient to easily house a pair of 2AA type flashlights end to end if that makes more sense. They only cost $3.97 a piece, so for $8 you wind up with a "tupperware briefcase" that could potentially house 48 mini-mag size flashlights! Just put the dividers in different places to fit your lights. The largest diameter light that I have put into mine is a Lightwave 3000 (3-C cell) flashlight - with plenty of room for a Rayovac headlight in the remaining portion of that compartment.
The brand name on these boxes is "Bait Box"
They also make these "paired" boxes in a smaller size that's perfect for knife collectors (which I also do). These only cost $2.97 Both sizes come with an ample supply of extra dividers.
Slick sez checkem' out..
So how do you store them all, yet still keep them handy?

I just found MY perfect solution!

Width of the box is sufficient to easily house a pair of 2AA type flashlights end to end if that makes more sense. They only cost $3.97 a piece, so for $8 you wind up with a "tupperware briefcase" that could potentially house 48 mini-mag size flashlights! Just put the dividers in different places to fit your lights. The largest diameter light that I have put into mine is a Lightwave 3000 (3-C cell) flashlight - with plenty of room for a Rayovac headlight in the remaining portion of that compartment.
The brand name on these boxes is "Bait Box"
They also make these "paired" boxes in a smaller size that's perfect for knife collectors (which I also do). These only cost $2.97 Both sizes come with an ample supply of extra dividers.
Slick sez checkem' out..