Am I imagining it, or are battery prices suddenly doubling?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 26, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
I priced batteries tonight (January 19th) and was surprised to find that costs for 14500 and 16340 cells appear to have almost doubled since October. Am I imagining this? Or have others also been seeing substantial price increases?
Hmm, I just looked at my order from Illumn for 16340 Keeppower 800mAh in 2021, and it was exactly the same price I see today, $6.50USD.
Perhaps the prices I saw were unique to the particular merchant. I'll surf over to Illumn and do a quick price check.

And thanks for the reminder, even if it was unintentional: patronize merchants who support this community.
I anticipate all sorts of wild upward price swings on many unrelated goods due to current international news. If you think you'll need something now or soon, I'd try buying it right away.
Prices of Eneloop here, in EU has definitely gone up for the last 2-3 years, as much as 20+% in fact. LiIon cells have also gone up in price, but not that much. All in all, due to inflation or other factors, batteries are more expensive today, than they used to be before the pandemic.
No youre not imagining it. Over the last 7 years there have been a few factors that are contributing to this;
-Proliferation of electric vehicles increasing demand on existing lithium sources
-Absence of new mines coming on line, just a lot of talk about "theres a big deposit in [insert warzone] but nothing actually that is being produced
-Pre-Covid trade war with china, Covid era disruptions
-Current conflict in Eastern Europe where theyre throwing 1/2lb bricks of lithium at each other

Are all contributing to this.
Im seeing this in power tool batteries personally, where the year over year price increases on the tools, while significant are entirely eclipsed by the price of batteries
Given the present state of international affairs in general, and given current trade sanctions and tariff constraints in particular, it looks like Brother louie's advice to buy lithium cells now while you can should perhaps be taken as an action item, and not just a suggestion.
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