Am I the only one who is a huge mess?

I noticed a few people I work with saying some things have taken a hit in the last year or two. Forgetfulness, difficulty maintaining attention, spelling errors( I mean I literally just wrote 'spelling areas' instead of 'spelling errors' lol). Pandemic stress related? This isnt a conspiracy angle here, just an observation.

I do recall working in hostile environments abroad that when staff first come into theatre or on the job, they would be forgetful as heck. They would lose their room key, car key, leave their ID and meal cards laying about for the first couple of weeks, I think though they were functioning outwardly it was subconsious anxiety effecting them. maybe the same thing for you Raggie?

Perhaps it was a - Haste makes waste - situation. I know when I get in a hurry my productivity suffers.

BTW - You omitted a C from subconscious. 😁
The fact that you are dumb enough to not comprehend what my previous avatar represented is exactly what I am talking about.

It was a joke.
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From this thread:

Written by CPF member Mister Ed in response to COVID related threads that were removed without warning.

"One of the best parts of CPF is the level headiness, lack of name calling, and civil discussions. There's no doubt that the Covid-fatigue is settling in, and I don't want that to infiltrate the community for sure. If we can move forward with understandings that political discussion, name calling, and just watering down of the community can result is being removed from the conversation I'd be up for getting it back going again."
Yo, Raggie33, I'd say this thread DECISIVELY answered your original question. It's not just you who's a mess, it's frickin' EVERYONE.

I only made it through about a dozen or so of the replies to this thread and then skipped to the end to write this.

It's just a matter of degree. Some people are bigger messes than others. Some hide it better than others. Like me. People around me are clueless how screwed up I am, but I'm about to have to leave my job of 12+ years because I'm too screwed up to keep doing it!

(if that's any consolation to you.... I hope it doesn't make you feel worse. If so just go eat some ice cream or something till you feel better)
There was a time where I thought less of a person who believes in a deity or deities, but now I realize everyone's mind works differently. For some belief in a higher being is a source of comfort, or a way to cope with the death which (so far*) awaits us all. For others it's a framework for their lives. I don't need these things but I'm not going to be automatically dismissive of others who might. I'm sure in their eyes I have some beliefs or habits they might not understand. Also, even for myself some part of me hopes a more advanced race, not necessarily deities, are looking out for us, perhaps ready to step in if we try to destroy ourselves.

This explains so much about you and helps me to understand so many of your responses.
Don't worry raggie, I'm lost too. By all accounts I'm a person that others would look at like someone who really has it together. But really I'm just lost and don't even recognize the world I'm living in anymore. One day at a time. Find things that you enjoy and fill your life with them. There isn't enough time for the other things.
I have everyone fooled with my normie disguise.
It's working great! No one knows any better. They have no clue. :giggle:
I have everyone fooled with my normie disguise.
It's working great! No one knows any better. They have no clue. :giggle:
I tried that too for a long time, to the point my classmates in school often called me Mr. Spock. But you can only keep things inside for so long. By my third year of college I was so burned out from never sharing my problems that I had to take a year off. It took a lot of people by surprise because on the surface I seemed like the model son/student/brother.
I tried that too for a long time, to the point my classmates in school often called me Mr. Spock. But you can only keep things inside for so long. By my third year of college I was so burned out from never sharing my problems that I had to take a year off. It took a lot of people by surprise because on the surface I seemed like the model son/student/brother.
I know exactly what you mean. How do I cope? Wish I could give you a fantastic answer. Truth is, "Best I can." I do try to take one issue at a time, work on it until it can be fixed to a good enough degree. Then just tackle the next one. Seems to be working. Though I don't think it's the best method.