I live a few miles up the coast from that melt down. The morons built the plant without any emergency protocols. To make matters even worse the fallout is right on top of marine life sanctuary.
This is Leon Panetta home stomping grounds. It was Leon and Clinton admin that turned Elk Horn Slough into a protected area.
Ol' Leon has not whimpered a peep since the disaster.
For weeks now, listening to the loudest screamers against Trump. None of these local green weenies have said anything about the residual effects from that fire.
The area, not only is surrounded with wildlife, agricultural is far as you can see in every direction. Strawberry fields, artichokes, veggies.
Ag spokesman, the other day, said soil sample testing should be required for at least next 10 years., haha! Yeah right... What about ground water? It's already full of nitrates contamination from ag industry, what's a little more toxic crap won't hurt, right?
So, enjoy eating fruits from California this season. Maybe y'all start glowing in the dark