Thanks. I'll look for it. I'm not unaware of some of the waste, and frankly, hypocrisy on green energy. As I said already, I think the sanest path is to endeavor to just use less energy, regardless of how it's generated. I'm looking into insulating my house better. Eventually, I'll go solar but until then cutting electric use to the bare minimum makes lots of sense. And I did a good job of it. Here's my annual consumption since 2003:There's a documentary on green energy that goes in depth about the truths of all the different technologies, how things are manufactured, and the history. You should watch it. It's available on YouTube. It's called Planet of the Humans by Michael Moore.
Year Total kWh
2003 12,500
2004 13,870
2005 13,520
2006 11,240
2007 10,940
2008 10,540
2009 10,870
2010 11,060
2011 13,340
2012 13,760
2013 12,750
2014 15,420
2015 14,570
2016 16,400
2017 14,770
2018 10,450
2019 6,910
2020 6,710
2021 6,475
2022 3,527 (to date)
I started going after it in 2018. My mom had a habit of having all 4 air conditioners going in the summer night and day. That accounted for a lot of the high usage in 2017 and earlier. Since 2020 I've just been chipping away at it slightly. Right now a solar system which covers my garage roof would be sufficient to meet my needs.