Another Innocent Soul Lost to this Terrible Addiction


Newly Enlightened
May 27, 2010
I've always had flashlights about the house and usually carried one with me outside the house. And while those mini Maglights and 2C cell Maglights were just the best thing ever in the flashlight world, I never really thought about them beyond that.

But recently I saw an internet discussion that brushed on flashlights. Some folks mentioned odd names like "Quark" and "Fenix" and really raved about them. So in my innocence I thought I would try one. One couldn't hurt, right?

So I bought a Quark AA^2 Tactical. And then compared it to my hot-stuff maglights....

And thus I was completely and totally lost to this terrible addiction. In short order I came down with a Fenix LD20, a Quark AA^2, Quark 123^2 Turbo, Quark MiNI 123, and a Fenix TK40. I've got a Quark Warm 123^2 Turbo coming and I'm drooling over the TK45. This is just the start, I know it. I'm spending way too much time looking at the Olight SR90 and am afraid I'll do something very bad one day [ ie, hit the 'buy' button'].

Who knew one little flashlight could be so dangerous.
Who knew one little flashlight could be so dangerous.

Yes, who knew. At the beginning only was a little and innocent flashlight, but then... the second... the third... and thus.

Welcome to the brotherhood. Do not you forget to share your experiences with the community.
My slide down the slippery slope started with pocket knives. I acquired a "package deal" that I bought for the Spyderco Delica, but it also included a "X2 Glow Ring" and an Inova X5. The seller mentioned that I could get replacement trit vials online. Well, the search led me to CPF. I've since bought a dozen or so lights and not one single knife. :laughing:
Yes, who knew. At the beginning only was a little and innocent flashlight, but then... the second... the third... and thus.

Yeah, and "somehow" I ended up buying another light today. I'm sure I meant to press other keys on the keyboard :whistle:

Welcome to the brotherhood. Do not you forget to share your experiences with the community.
Thanks Teobaldo. Right now though my experiences are still in the "Wow - look at that light!" level but hopefully I'll get to be less of a noob soon :)
O MAN! You're not lost, but saved.

Now you will no longer be left in the dark, and when someone says 'who's got a flashight (torch)' you can reach into your pocket and with pride and confidence say,

"Did someone ask for light? HERE'S SOME LIGHT!"

And if you get into it enough you won't just have one light available, but two, three or even four on hand at any given moment.

How many rooms does your house have? Well there's a light needed for each room, one (preferably two) for each vehicle, two for the garage, one for the shed.

Keep one in the mailbox, one in the shoebox, one in each toolbox, and a couple of spares lying around in cupboards and drawers just in case you can't find any of the others.

Clip one to each keychain so that no matter where you are or what's going on, you have light.

Just don't go telling too many of your friends or they will think you are insane.
Until your first McLux arrives, you haven't really started. Welcome!!! :D
The first thing I did after getting more than one light was to put one in the nightstand and one in my desk for emergency use. After I finish playing with, er, I mean evaluating, the rest of my lights I'll put them in other places. I'll also add one to my earthquake kit, which I haven't maintained like I should recently. (Oh, the joys of southern California :shakehead )

As for a keychain light I had been looking at the Qmini 123. I wasn't sure about it at first but it's grown on me. I think it's a bit fat for the keyring, so maybe a preon? Oh yes, another light to get!

And now I need to "evaluate" the merits of warm/neutral/cool tints with an eye to suitability towards camping/hiking and photographic light painting. It never ends, does it? I can't complain though - I'm having a great time :)
Anyone who wanders into CPF because they were looking to read about flashlights isn't innocent... you were looking, and were surprised to find our world...

The first thing I did after getting more than one light was to put one in the nightstand and one in my desk for emergency use. After I finish playing with, er, I mean evaluating, the rest of my lights I'll put them in other places. I'll also add one to my earthquake kit, which I haven't maintained like I should recently. (Oh, the joys of southern California :shakehead )

As for a keychain light I had been looking at the Qmini 123. I wasn't sure about it at first but it's grown on me. I think it's a bit fat for the keyring, so maybe a preon? Oh yes, another light to get!

And now I need to "evaluate" the merits of warm/neutral/cool tints with an eye to suitability towards camping/hiking and photographic light painting. It never ends, does it? I can't complain though - I'm having a great time :)

ITP makes some good lghts that have a centered lug on the end that is perfec for neck or keychain carry. I have an ITP A1 EOS SS that I neck carry and I ordered the A2 SS and a colored A3. Oh and did I mention the AL ones would only run you about $20. Or you can get the SS like I did for $28 or $30 :twothumbs:grin2:
Hi fishhead,

I don't know if I shall be worry about you or if I shall be happy with you...
I am into the third year in this addiction, or HOBBY with a finer word! ;)
Last year the hobby had a few months pause for me because of bright summernights in my location, (just imagine how three months without dark nights has to be traumatic for a flashoholic)! :sick2:
But this year I am still sitting here in the end of may and waiting for the delivery of a flashlight next week! I am sinking deeper and deeper in the addiction...:green:
However; about your new hobby I just want to say as Teobaldo: enjoy it and share your experiences with us! :thumbsup:

Regards, Patric
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I came here as a newbee a year ago, then I bought a Fenix CR123A light with Cree Q5 LED... not long after that, followed by more of those ultra-bright LED lights that kept me saying "WHOOW" for a while ;)

Then, you may see the disadvantages of these blueish white LED-lights, so I went down the incan-route. countless incan-flashlights came my way, well over 10 Surefires, numerous Wolf Eyes and even two of Fivemegas excellent creations (2.5 D Mag for 4X 18650 and a 3X 18650 Megalennium).

Now, I just ordered a limited warm 4sevens 123^2 turbo, to see if these are really so nice as they seem... at least, the days you only could get those horrible 6500K LED lights are over....

These are great times to be a flashaholic :twothumbs

Buy a Ra Clicky and then wait to see that there is a whole new level... and ones after that too.
Anyone who wanders into CPF because they were looking to read about flashlights isn't innocent... you were looking, and were surprised to find our world...


Actually, I saw mention of these lights in the comments on a blog far, far away. I googled "<light> review" and then found CPF, which is one of the first few results for every flashlight I searched for. Not only have I depleted my checking account, I've also spent many, many hours reading about lights here. :laughing:
Buy a Ra Clicky and then wait to see that there is a whole new level... and ones after that too.

Talk about giving the newbie addict more stuff to get them even more hopelessly hooked :laughing: Those do look incredible and one will probably appear in my mailbox as soon as my bank account recovers...

Now, I just ordered a limited warm 4sevens 123^2 turbo, to see if these are really so nice as they seem... at least, the days you only could get those horrible 6500K LED lights are over....

I just got my first warm light today - a Quark 123^2 Turbo- and was surprised by how pleasing it is and how much I like it.
There is no going back now. For me it started with r/c trucks and then it was watches and now it's flashlight... And many of them. People just don't understand why I carry at least 3 lights on me at all times. My wallet has gone :poof: sitting here reading all of these forums has also got me hooked on HID lights as well. Your world will just keep getting brighter by the flashlight.
This place will ruin your wallet!!
tell me about it! I recently became a junky

in the last few weeks:
Surefire LX2
Eagletac T20C2 MKII
Lumapower D-mini VX ultra
47 mini AA
Nitecore D10
Olight SR90
and I have an RRT-3 likely coming this week